The Black Death-Educational Poster


    The Black Death was a terrible plague that took place from 1346-1353. The epidemic was allegedly started in China on trade ships; there were rats and fleas who secretly came to Europe, carrying a bacteria called Yersina pestis. Because of this disease. many people lost faith in the churches because: 1.many of the priests and nuns were dying and 2. they thought that God was punishing them. Actually, if they were less unsanitary, then they would've been able to spot the rats and kill them. Unfortunately, this virus interrupted the Great Famine(obviously a huge famine where there was no food/water), so people were most unsanitary at that time (they became cannibals:people who ate other people).

     bottom:Yersina pestis, the bacteria

    Image result for yersinia pestis


    Okay, students...Welcome to your first Web Quest! Today, you will be creating a poster about the Black Death. This poster will help you learn about this plague and decribe, in greater detail, the Black Death and how it affected people in Europe. Have fun!


    First, I want you to get some index cards. THIS IS NOT JUST A VISUAL PROJECT! Write a few drafts to examine what you're discussing at the event's time period. No,multi-colored cards are NOTacceptable. Next, draw a little picture of your poster to hep you plan where things are going to go or how you're going to design it.

    Take some glue

    and glue the index cards to the poster. Did you do it? Good!

    Secondly, you shouldn't forget the pictures! Let them stand out! Yes, it's the Black Death, but you could at least make it have some style! YAAAS! Sorry; got a little carried away there...

    Use pencils first to erase your mistakes and add some designs to your posters(ex. Skulls,rats,people in pain).

    Draw a sketch of the poster with a pencil on sketch paper. This will allow you to go through several drafts to get the layout and design right before you actually draw it on a poster.

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    Draw a sketch of the poster with a pencil on sketch paper. This will allow you to go through several drafts to get the layout and design right before you actually draw it on a poster.

    Read more : a sketch of the poster with a pencil on sketch paper. This will allow you to go through several drafts to get the layout and design right before you actually draw it on a poster.

    Read more : a sketch of the poster with a pencil on sketch paper. This will allow you to go through several drafts to get the layout and design right before you actually draw it on a poster.

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