Youth Violence


How Can We Decrease Youth Violence


The challenge is for individuals age middle and high school to research and create a bill that could become law that will assist the local community in combating youth violence.


Propose to students the following scenario:


We live in a world now where more young people are dying by the hands of other young people.  Since 1997, there have been 179 school shootings in the United States; more and more young people are affiliated with gangs and less with after school programs and activities.  Why is this so?  Why is this generation of youth so violent?  Why are our youth more likely commit an act of violence than graduate high school.  If you were elected to congress and the senate, how would you deal with the problem of youth violence in your congressional area? You need to research information that would assist you in creating this initiative and develop a project that each community can develop in their particular area. In your research and project make sure that any culture or ethnicity would be able to replicate this project in their community.


Ask students what comes to mind when you think about youth violence? As the students respond ask them to write down their thoughts and the thoughts of their peers. Try to come up with at least 10 ideas about what comes to mind when you think about youth violence