Significance of the Murray Darling Basin


Your group will be given a section of the Murray Darling Basin to research. Look at your map and determine what areas you will be looking at. You will be given time to access the internet and search websites for your information.


You need to find out the following:

1. Size of the Communities within your section of the MDB

-What is the population of the major centres/cities?

- How many schools are there?

- How many hospitals?

-Do they have a City or Regional Council?


2.What type of environment does your section of the MDB have?

- Who lives within your area? i.e crop farmers, fisherman, orchard growers

- What type of animals/wildlife and flora (plants) thrive in this area?

-How do they depend on the river to exist?


3.What type of Recreational activities happen in the area?

- List the sports and leisure activites ie. fishing, field sports, boating etc.


4. What are the main industries or jobs that people do in the area?

- where does the main income for the city/town come from? ie. fishing, fruit, crop farming, logging etc.


5. Is there a major tourism industry in the area? Do people go there for holidays, see major attraction etc. where do they vist?

- If the answer is no, could you develop one for the town by using the above information

6. How is this town similar to yours?

List some things that both towns have in common



How to write up your inforamtion

Copy the questions from the previous page and paste them in a word document.


Working as a team break up into pairs or individuals and work through answering the questions on the town you have picked to research in your section from the MDB map.


Type your answers in the word document and save it to the class folder titled:




When you have completed all the questions and gathered enough information your group will then put that information on a poster map.

All the groups will then join each of their posters (the different sections of the MDB map) together to make one big jigsaw poster map.

Teacher Page

This webquest is useful to use towards to start of the unit on the Murray Darling basin within the HSIE KLA. Students are able to research how the basin supplies towns and cities with their water along with the tourism that the rivers bring to these towns.

The poster map will allow studnets to write up their gathered information and stick it on their section of the map. The end product can be displayed in the classroom and studnets can use it as a resource later on in the unit.
