States of the USA


There are 50 states in the United States of America and each of them are unique in there own way.  They have there own flag, capital, bird, song, tree, flower, and ect..



You will be able to pick out your own state to research.  You can research on the web or in a book.  You will be making a poster for the state you have chosen.  Then we will have a time to show our work and tell what you have learned about that state.





1.  You will pick a state and a state can only be picked once.

2.  You have to research about your state.  We will have time in school to do it.  Make sure you write down all the important facts. 

3.  Then you will be able to create a poster for your state that you picked.

4.  Lastly you will do a presentation about your state to class with your poster finished.




Your poster should be creative and appealing 5 points
Your poster must include a picture of state, name, and capital 5 points
Your poster must include other information such as: state flag, bird, tree, flower, and anything that you thought was important 5 points
It is free of any grammar and spelling errors 5 points
total 20 points


In the end you will know more about a state and at least one thing about another state.

Now when you go home you can tell your parents something you learned about a state or more than one state.