American Imperialism


Since ancient times, rulers have built empires by conquering other lands.  Imperialism refers to the political and econo
mic control of one area or country by another.  In World History, you learned how European nations, driven by the Industrial Revolution, conquered and expanded their lands in both Africa and Asia.  

Today, you will be completing a WebQuest that was created to help you better understand not only why America expanded outside its borders, but the lasting impact that imperialism has today. This WebQuest will require you to work in collaboration with other students, demonstrate your research skills, use the internet, and be creative.



By the end of this WebQuest, you will be able to....

-Summarize the impact of American imperialism

-Compare the effects of American imperialism with that of European imperialism

-Describe how America expanded beyond its borders 

Your task is....

1) To research and report the impact that American imperialism had on the countries we began to control and influence 

2) Read and complete activity questions 

3) Complete the attached activities and be prepared to share with class


Below, you will see a number of questions and tasks you will be expected to complete within your assigned groups.  There are 3 color coded groups, and within each pre-assigned group, you will be expected to answer carefully and thoughtfully your assigned question sets according to your groups color.  Once your group answers the assigned questions, we will share the answers on Wednesday as a class.  Within your group, elect on representative to report out on Wednesday the correct answers.  

Green Group-You will answer all green colored questions.  Make sure you work together to find the correct answers. 

Yellow Group-You will answer all yellow questions.

Blue Group-You will answer all blue questions.

Read the questions below and begin your WebQuest on American Imperialism. 

Task #1;jsessionid=4F246269517AEB435115E77DDFA6A759

After your click on the above link, click on Moments in American History and find the video titled Manifest Destiny.  

View the short (2 min.) clip, answer the questions below:

1)1)1)  Who coined the term "Manifest Destiny"?

2)2)2)  What did he want the United States to do?

3)3)3) How did the idea of Manifest Destiny catch on?  

4)  How did the United States complete the idea of Manifest Destiny in the continental United States by the end of the 19th century? 

Task #2

Next, click on

Answer the following questions by clicking on the following portions of the website under contents.

Click on Expansion in the Pacific

1)1) What war stopped the original Manifest Destiny that began in the 1840's?

2)2) 2) What did Captain Alfred T. Mahan believe that America's survival depended on?  Why?

3)3) 3) What did America need to support a strong navy

4)4)  Why did America want to expand into Asia?  What did he warn President Fillmore about?

5)  After reading about how the United States forced the Japanese to make trade concessions, what do you think the Japanese would eventually do if they became an industrialized nation?  Explain your reasoning.

Task #3-All color groups will complete task below.  

Scroll down to the next article-A letter to an Emperor and read about the meeting.  Make sure you take detailed notes on the meeting, as you will be interpreting the outcome in a 6 panel comic strip using the website below.  If you would like to draw your comic instead of using the Pixton website,you may do so on the designated area on the WebQuest handout.  


  1. Go to
  2. Enter the Activation Code:ELYE-QQ
  3. Click on the green open tab, and follow instructions.
  4. Click on either create a comic or create a character.  You will need to have at least 3 characters and 6 panels in your comic.  
  5. The comic should try to capture the discussion between Commodore Perry and the Japanese delegation
  6. Comic will be graded according to rubric posted on Pixton assignment.
  7. When you are completed, print the 6 panel cartoon and turn in at the end of the Webquest

Task #4

 Next, go to

Scroll down to Spanish-American War 

1)1)1)  Why was the battleship Maine in Havanna, Cuba in 1898?

2) 2)2) What happened to the Maine?  How many sailors died?

Next, click on the following link: and scroll down to Background

3)3) According to newspaper accounts, what was the cause for the sinking of the Maine?  

4)  Why do you think we went to war with Spain?  Do you believe that the ship was sunk intentionally?  

Task #5-"White Man's Burden"

Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden, 1899
This famous poem, written by Britain's imperial poet, was a response to the American takeover of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War. Read the poem to yourself several times before beginning to answer the questions below.  All groups read and answer.

Take up the White Man's burden--
Send forth the best ye breed--
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild--
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.
Take up the White Man's burden--
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard--
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:--
"Why brought he us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?"
Take up the White Man's burden--
Ye dare not stoop to less--
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your gods and you.

Guiding Questions:

1. According to Kipling, what is the ‘White Man’s Burden?’
2. Based on this poem, how did imperialists (people who supported annexation) think
of the people in the countries they were taking over (i.e., Cuba, Philippines, etc.)?
3. Kipling supported U.S. annexation of the Philippines. What might someone say who
disagreed with Kipling?
Burden: a heavy responsibility
Breed: children
Harness: boring daily work
Fluttered: unsteady
Folk: people
Sullen: bad-tempered; gloomy
Cloak: hide




You will be graded according to the rubric below:  

20 Points-Individual/group research-Answer all questions-as a group, make sure you all have the correct answers.  

5 Points-Detailed notes/outline for comic

10 points-Historical interpretation (Comic)-6 panel minimum.  Make sure you print out comic if you used the Pixton website.  If you created your own handrawn artwork, please hand in with completed questions.

35 points possible


Good job!   By completing this WebQuest you now have an understanding of one of the most important periods in United States history.  Through a cause and effect understanding of the Imperialist rise of the United States, you can better understand your current world, and hopefully understand future foreign policy events. 

Through your collaboration with your team, you should have improved your ability to work with others for a common goal.  Through your research, you should have improved your ability to find important information and use it in a critical thinking manner.  

As we continue to learn more about this time period, you will continue to build your historical knowledge, and realize the lasting impact that it continues to have today.