Create your own country!


You are the new leader of a country! What a lucky day! You are going to have to create it using this website and then draw/print your country on paper.
Welcome: Create Your Own Country
Description: You are going to create your own country, or choose a country that already exists.
What type of government are you going to have?
You will need to research your country using the internet.
What countries border it? What is their capital city?
What things does your country import/export?
You will need to draw a map and a flag of your country.
You will also need to draw a map key that shows the landforms of your country.
Grade Level: 3
Curriculum: Social Studies
Keywords: create, map, country, geography, history 



The following standards of learning will be practiced and assessed with each day of your webquest. The below information provides a summary of whats to come:

Arizona Academic Standards Grade 3: Social Studies

Day 1:  Geography 

Create your own country. Where is your country located? What other country or countries does your country border?
Vocabulary Words - imports, exports, economic plan, ethnic group.Day 2: World History 

Describe the History of your country. Main language and main ethnic group.

Day 3: History 

Write an essay 1 page long about your country's history. How was it formed? Did you go to war to create your country? Did you create your own country? How is it in common with Thailand?

*Create and label a map of your country include the capital city, 3 other cities, landforms, and the countries that border your country.  *Draw a flag of your country.

Kids this will take time to make. Make sure you have fun doing it! 


Answer the following questions and complete the instructed drawings. As always, I expect everything to be school appropriate, neat and in color. You will use the same notebook paper to answer each day's questions. (use as many sheets of notebook paper as needed) You will use an A3 paper to draw your flag and another A3 paper to draw your map).
On your notebook paper make sure you label each day and question,
*for example Day 1: Geography will be your title then number each of your answers to go with each of the numbered questions for example #1 question is What is the name of your country? On your notebook paper you will put 1. name of your country and so on.

Day 1: Geography

*Before you get started on creating your own country there are a few vocabulary words to look up so you will be familiar with these words as they come up in your activities.

Write each vocabulary word and there definition: imports, exports,  landform, economic planning, ethnic group 

  1. What is the name of your country? Be creative, you can name your country after you if you want.
  2. Where is your country located? (you can add your country next to another country or you can take over a country)
  3. What is the name of the capital city of your country?
  4. What are the names of at least 3 other important cities in your country?
  5. What countries border your country?


Day 2: World History

  1. Describe things that are going on in your country.
  2. What is the main language that is spoken in your country? Are there any other languages that are spoken in your country?
  3. What is the main ethnic group that is present in your country? What other ethnic groups are present in your country?


Day 3: History

  1. Draw a map of your country (leaving space in one of the corners for your flag)
  2. Draw the real countries that surround your make believe country
  3. Label all the landforms in your country on the map (lakes, mountain ranges, rivers, deserts)
  4. On your map label your capital city with a star and black dots for the other 3 cities.
  5. Draw your country's flag in one of the corners of your map. Color it. 


So, to be clear, you will need to turn in:
A3 paper drawing of map
A3 paper of flag
SS notebooks with information of your country in your folder

*This is due on Thursday morning before we leave for the Field Trip in Homeroom Class.

Your evaluation will be based on the following rubric for the finished project. Use the rubric below for an idea of what is expected.

Evaluation Rubric
  2: Unsatisfactory 3: Satisfactory 4: Good 5: Excellent Score
Content Unorganized and meets less than half the requirements Project meets half of the requirements; well-organized Project is well- organized and meets most requirements Project is well-organized and meets all requirements 5
Grammar Multiple grammatical and stylistic errors Some errors in grammar and/or format that does not interfere with clarity Few grammatical and/or stylistic errors Nearly error-free which reflects clear understanding and thorough proofreading 5
Map Presentation Careless, hurried, and messy presentation. Writing is difficult to read. Color or other appropriate technique is not used to enhance map. Project appears rushed and somewhat careless, but the content is legible. Color or other appropriate technique may be used to enhance map. Clear, uncluttered, and attractive presentation. Writing is legible and neat. Color or other appropriate technique is used to enhance map. Evidence that pride and care were taken in presentation. Writing is legible and neat. Color is used to enhance map. 5
Map Labels Many labels are missing, incorrect, or difficult to read. Some labels are missing, incorrect, or difficult to read. Labels are clear and correct. Most important landmarks, cities, and waterways are labeled. Labels and clear and correct. All important landmarks, cities, and waterways are labeled. 5
Total Score: 20

You made it! It took 3 days, but you did a great job! Some jobs take time, and this was a great step in the right direction for your future. I hope you enjoyed making this! Congratulations!


*This page references another webquest, which can be seen here.  I have recreated it for my current Grade 3 class and assessed a level that I think they can complete. Please know that all references are given to: Stacy Minor.

Teacher Page

In many cases throughout this webquest the teacher will need to be prepared to provide certain materials including notebook paper, pencils, (2) A3 paper, crayons and colored pencils. The teacher will also need to be prepared to answer questions about the  assignments throughout the activity.


imports, exports, democracy, communism, dictatorship, monarchy, landform, economic planning, ethnic group