Healthy Eating Webquest


Are we healthy eaters at INPS?


Many surveys tell us that young people are not eating healthy.  Is this true at INPS? Are we just like everyone else or are we doing better or maybe worse? 



Your task is to survey INPS 4,5 & 6 students , compare their eating habits with the  NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPANS)  and write a report showing your findings.


Step 1: Background Information ~1 ICT session.

Before we can compare our students we need to understand what is healthy eating and why is it such a big deal.

Collect the Background Information worksheet and use it to record what you already know about healthy eating and why it is important.

Then research following the links below.


  • What is healthy eating?


  • Why is it important to eat healthy?



Step 2: Survey Students

Collect the Food Diary and Food Servings information and complete for one week. Make sure the other class are filling it out too.

Choose one member of your class to explain what and why you want them to fill out the diary. Remind them to be honest so we get true results.


Step 3: Record survey information

Graph 1 ~ Extra foods ~ 2 ICT session

  • Open Excel, call this page Extra Foods
  • Write the following headings down the first column

Confectionary, Soft Drink/ Cordial, Hot Chips, Potato Chips

  • Write the following headings across the first row

Daily, 4x a week, 2x a week, Once a week, None

  • Record findings from food diaries
  • Make as a percentage pie graph
  • Cut and paste graph into a Word Doc. Name it INPS Healthy Eating Survey
  • Write down what you see?
  • Remember to save

Graph 2 ~ Number of serves~ 1 ICT session

  • Open previous Excel file
  • Open a new page and call it Number of Serves per Day
  • Along the top line write the  5 food groups
  • Down the first column write the number of serves per day

1   2   3   4   5   6  

  • Record findings from food diary - you will need to average out servings from the week
  • Make as a percentage pie graph
  • Cut and paste graph into  INPS Healthy Eating Survey file
  • Write down what you see?
  • Remember to save

Graph 3 ~ Eating Habits ~ 1 ICT session

  • Open previous Excel file
  • Open a new page and call it Eating Habits
  • Along the top line write the headings

Skips breakfast, Eats Dinner in front of TV

  • Down the first column write

Boy, Girl

  • Record your findings from the food diaries
  • Make as a percentage pie graph
  • Cut and paste graph into  INPS Healthy Eating Survey file
  • Write down what you see?
  • Remember to save


Step 4: Compare ~  1 ICT session

  • Collect the Question Sheet from the teachers and read the following page and fill it out.


  • Now go back to our graphs.  Collect the  INPS Survey Results sheet and fill it out .



Healthy Eating Web Quest    







Back ground information

Recorded own prior knowledge and 1 or 2 pieces of information

Recorded own prior knowledge and 3 or 4 pieces of information

Recorded own prior knowledge and 5 pieces of information

Recorded own prior knowledge and 6 or more  pieces of information


Food Diary

Recorded 1 day of food diary or use very little detail

Recorded 3 day of food diary

Recorded most days of food diary in detail

Recorded all days of food diary in detail


Extra Foods Graph

Completed graph with no headings and spelling mistakes

Completed graph with a few spelling mistakes and a simple explanation

Completed graph with no spelling mistakes and a simple explanation

Completed graph with no spelling mistakes and a detailed explanation


Number of serves Graph

Completed graph with no headings and spelling mistakes

Completed graph with a few spelling mistakes and a simple explanation

Completed graph with no spelling mistakes and a simple explanation

Completed graph with no spelling mistakes and a detailed explanation


Eating Habits Graph

Completed graph with  no headings and spelling mistakes

Completed graph with a few spelling mistakes and a simple explanation

Completed graph with no spelling mistakes and a simple explanation

Completed graph with no spelling mistakes and a detailed explanation


SPANS survey

& INPS survey

Answered 10-12 questions correctly

Answered 13- 18 questions correctly

Answered 18 questions correctly

Answered all questions correctly



Answered 1 or 2 questions in simple sentences and with some spelling mistakes and limited formatting

Answered most questions in sentences and with 1 or 2 spelling mistakes and clear formatting

Answered all questions in sentences and with no spelling mistakes and clear formatting

Answered all questions in detail and with no spelling mistakes and clear formatting





Step 5: What did you find out?~ 1 ICT session


In the Word Doc. with graphs  begin a new page with the heading Conclusions

Answer the following questions;


  • Are the students at INPS eating healthy compared to the NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey (SPANS)? Explain


  • What were we good at?


  • What are the areas for improvement?


  • What would you recommend we do to improve the healthy eating habits of INPS students?



Print your INPS Healthy Eating Survey file and give to the teacher