After The Giver: Create Your Own Utpoia


While reading The Giver, the reader begins to discover how Jonas' society chose to remedy many of the problems we struggle with in contemporary society, i.e. hunger, homelessness, poverty, crime, neglect, pollution, etc. To erradicate these issues, Jonas' community established and lived with numerous utpopian rules in order to prevent societal ills. Another realization that often emerges while reading, however, are the sacrifices required to abide by these rules.  The community in The Giver was created as a utopian society; now it is your turn to learn about utopias and create your own rules while remaining aware of the benefits and sacrifices of each of your decisions.


It is 2050 and all of the problems in our world are coming to a head. You have been selected by a new international government to create a utopia that will solve the world's issues. You have been given the unique opportunity to start a new society on a deserted island that is fully equipped with all needed amenities and modern technology. The island is not owned or under the influence of any nation. It is your responsibility  to inhabit the island in any manner that you choose. If your society works, it will become the way the rest of the world lives. By completing the following assignments with careful thought, hopefully you will build the Perfect Society!



Step One: Create a Utopian Research and Creation Word Document

            Open Microsoft Word and create a new document.  Title this document: Utopian reasearch and creation. Type all the notes and ideas you gather from this webquest into that document.

Step Two: What is a Utopia?

            Use the following web sites to research the concept of "utopia."  The second web site has lots of detailed information on utopia.  Read some of the information provided and decide what utopia means.  Come up with a definition of utopia and tell what utopia means to you in your word doc.

Dictionary Definition of Utopia

Definition of utopia

Utopian Philosophy - how to achieve it, merging reality and utopia and views of what utopia may be like


Song Lyrics: Read the following song lyrics by John Lennon and think about them in relation to UTOPIA. Use Lennon’s idea of Utopia to help you in creating your own. You may agree or disagree with his ideal of a “perfect world”.


“Imagine” song lyrics by John Lennon

Step Three:  What are our major world issues?

            Use the following web sites to research what issues we currently face in our society.  In your word doc, list each problem, describe the problem and who it effects, and list at least two causes of the problem.

Global Warming: explore all the images and related information

Poverty: Take the tour and the quiz to learn more






Hate Crimes

These are just a few.  If you can think of any others, list them in your word doc.

Step Four: Look at how other groups, nations, and communities are trying to solve these issues.

In your word doc, write the name of each community or global solution. Summarize what type of society or solution it is, the problems it is attempting to solve, and the rules it has in place to solve these issues.

The Farm in Tennessee

Twin Oaks

Victory City

List of Other American Utopias

Cities Ban Plastic Bags

5 Simple Solutions to Global Problems

Sweden and Free Childcare

Sweden's Environmental Policies

I will give anyone extra credit if they can find communities or solutions and includes them in their word doc.

Step Five: Choose Your Utopia's Main Issues and Solutions

In your word document, create a table like the one below with the same number of rows, columns, and titles. Then, make a list of the FIVE main problems your utopia will focus on solving, the rules you will put into place to prevent these issues, and the sacrifices you know your community members will have to make to abide by these rules.

Global Problem Your Solution and Rule Societal Sacrifice Required

Step Six: Get Specific

In your word document, create another table like the one below with the same number of rows, columns, and titles. Then, fill in the table with specific information on how your utopia will address each of the issues.  Be very thoughtful and sensible when you decide how you will deal with each of these issues. Remember that all your decisions should be made in the interest of solving problems. When I ask how your transportation system will solve various issues, you must have a thoughtful answer!

Plant and animal life

Climatic and geographical features

Family units and child rearing responsibilities


Energy sources


Distribution of property and wealth

Inter Community relations

The Media




How the elderly are taken care of


What are some qualities of your government or leader?



Step Seven: Title Your Utopia and Write a Mission Statement

Now that you have a good idea of what type of utopia you are going to create, give it a title!  Your title should be creative and express the type of society you are going to create!  Write your title into your word doc.

Next, write a mission statement.

What is a mission statement you ask?

Mission Statement (What You Do): A one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization or program exists and used to help guide decisions about priorities, actions, and responsibilities.

Here is a link of 50 mission statements written by 50 different organizations in case you need inspiration!

Write your mission statement into your word doc.

Step Eight: Create Your Vision

Your job during this step is to decide on the best way to communicate all aspects of your utopia. You will need to communicate:

1. Title

2. Mission Statement

3. Location

4. Main Issues that the community will solve

5. The solutions you have in place

6. The types of rules and systems your utopia will have in place

7. How people will be accepted into the community

8. An argumentative summary of why this utopia is the best solution to the 5 global issues and why people should join the community

Ideas for how to communicate these ideas:

1. Website

2. Youtube video

3. Brochure and graphic city plan (using word, publisher, etc.)

4. Sim city

***look back at the utopian communities like the farm to see examples of how they communicate the types of utopias they have created.***

You can choose to convey your ideas in any way you choose. Be sure to choose a medium that interests you but that will also make your ideas very clear to your audience.


Rubrics coming soon...


1. Your Utopia Word Doc is due Monday 5/5. Make sure the document is organized and formatted well (Using MLA formatting rules, headings, and headers).  Also be sure each step is properly labeled.

2. Utopian Presentations will begin on Friday 5/9 with extra credit oferred to anyone who presents on that day.

3. On Friday 5/16, their will be a debate tournament in which each of your debates against two other people about why your utopia will best solve the global issues you addressed.

Good luck, think hard, and have fun!!!

  • Lois Lowry’s The Giver will be read by the students
  • Adapted from “The Giver Webquest”, a Webquest by Ms. Macdonald and Mrs. Scheibel
Teacher Page

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Ms. Cufaude is a 7th and 8th grade teacher in Rancho Cordova, California. For more information you can follow her on twitter @mscufaude or visit her class website at