The 60's




At the beginning of the 1960s, many Americans believed they were standing at the dawn of golden age.

"Forty years after it ended, the 1960s remains the most consequential and controversial decade of the twentieth century. It would dawn bright with hope and idealism, see the liberal state attain its mightiest reforms and reach, and end in discord and disillusionment. Many would remember it nostalgically, and perhaps many more would describe it as an era of irresponsible excess." -




      While snooping around the library after hours, you and a fellow student run into Ms. Pirello's Time Machine.  It has often times been wondered how her presentations seem so in depth.  Is it true?  Is this the myth, the time machine that everyone said was real?  Of course you and your fellow student step inside to check out what a time machine looks like when BANG!! The door shuts and before you know it you have been taken back to Ms. Pirello's favorite era, the 1960's. 

      Puzzled, and shocked you step out of the machine.   You see people with long hair and bellbottoms.  

      Your task in order to get back to 2014, you and your parenter in crime must answer the questions asked by the time machine.  You must define the political, social, diplomatic, and current events of the 1960’s. 




-    What are the political issues in the 60’s?

-    What are the social issues in the 1960’s?

-    What are the diplomatic issues of the 60’s?

-    Who were seen as leaders in this time era?

-    What was the price of gas, bread, a bottle of coke, a candy bar and a gallon of milk?

-    How did people dress?  What musical influences were around in the 1960’s?

-    What activities would teenagers do for fun in the 1960’s?

-    What important events happened in the 60’s helped shape America as we know it?



In other words, WHAT THE HECK IS THE 1960’S ABOUT?


At the beginning of the 1960s, many Americans believed they were standing at the dawn of golden age.

"Forty years after it ended, the 1960s remains the most consequential and controversial decade of the twentieth century. It would dawn bright with hope and idealism, see the liberal state attain its mightiest reforms and reach, and end in discord and disillusionment. Many would remember it nostalgically, and perhaps many more would describe it as an era of irresponsible excess." -


-    What are the political issues in the 60’s?

-    What are the social issues in the 1960’s?

-    What are the diplomatic issues of the 60’s?

-    Who were seen as leaders in this time era?

-    What was the price of gas, bread, a bottle of               coke, a candy bar and a gallon of milk?

-    How did people dress?  What musical influences         were around in the 1960’s?

-    What activities would teenagers do for fun in the        1960’s?

-    What important events happened in the 60’s              helped shape America as we know it?



Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand historical patterns, periods of time, and the relationships among these elements.


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand how and why people create, maintain, or change systems of power, authority, and governance.


Essential Concept and/or Skill: Understand the role of individuals and groups within a society as promoters of change or the status quo.