Independent Reading


Independent reading is hugely important for learners of any age.  Studies overwelmingly support the fact that the more we read, the better our reading skills get, which is a key factor in overall academic achievement. 

Some of you already have a pretty good idea of the kind of readers you are.  That is, you know what kinds of books you like to read and you don't need much outside motivation to get you to open a book.  That's great!  Others still haven't been bit by the reading bug, and that's okay too.  If that's you, chances are you just don't know what kind of a reader you are yet.

In this webquest you will reflect over what kind of books you like and what kind of a reader you see yourself as.  You'll do a bit more research over the benefits of independent reading, and you'll allow outside sources to recommend you some new books.  Go through each page, in order, and do what the directions tell you too.