Fourth Grade- Erie Canal WebQuest


Since 1817, the Erie Canal has been a huge part of our History. The purpose of the Erie Canal is to connect New York City ports to all different sources of the West.  Once done, it forever changed our states population.


1.) Watch this Video on the Erie Canal:

2.) Complete the given questions about the Erie Canal by going to this website:


1.) What is a Canal?

2.) Who was the Sixth President of the United States of America?

3.) Who was De Witt Clinton?

4.) Name two important ways that the Erie Canal has helped people

5.) What is the 1824 General Survey Act?

6.) Name 3 fun facts about the Erie Canal (use facts 1-10)

Take your time and read everything carefully! 


We will continue our Erie Canal Unit and start our play within the next week!

Teacher Page

Answers to the Questions:

1.) Canal: an artifical waterway that is constucted to allow the passage of boats carrying produce and passengers. 

2.) John Quincy Adams 

3.) A US Senator and Mayor of New York

4.) Any of the following answers are acceptable:

* Farmers had cheap and fast means of transporting goods.

* It inspired a new canal building "boom"

* Thousands of settlers used the canal to move West 

* New Cities and Ports Developed 

* Knit together Atlantic Seaboard with Applichian Mountains 

* Increased foreign trade

* Helped New York become the Empire State 

5.) Allows the president to have surveys made of important transportation routes.

6.) Any of the following answers are acceptable:

* The canal goes from New York to Buffalo.

* The canal is 363 miles long.

* The canal was built between 1817-1825.

* Construction began on July 4, 1817.

* The first fifteen miles took 2 years to complete.

* The canal has a total of 86 locks.

* The canal is 4 feet deep by 40 feet wide.

* The passenger boats were called packets.

* The boats transporting produce were called line boats.