The Unification Church (Mckenna Cousineau)


A cult is a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.


Go to these 2 websites to find the answers you'll need and information on the cult:


1.) Who is the founder?

2.) What are all of their beliefs?

3.) Who's family is the true family?

4.) When was the book Divine Principle published in English?

5.) Under Holy Scriptures, how many books are their?

6.) What are the name of the books?

7.) Under Youth Ministry and Sunday schools, what are the age groups they offer school for?

8.) Under Teachings, and Education, what are the courses they provide under the True Parents Way?

9.) Define Esotericism.

10.) Under the News and Stories, True Parents' message,what is the True Mother’s Message to the Youth?

11.) Under about us, who we are.  What is the mission statement?

12.) Define Moonie.


1)Sun Myung Moon.

2.) The Divine Principle, Mainstream christianity,Indemnity, The True Family, Judaism, Islam, Interfaith activities, Esotericism, spiritualism, ressurection.

3.) Sun Myung Moon's family.

4.) In 1973.

5.) 3 Volumes.

6.) Cheon Seong Gyeong, Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, Cham Bumo Gyeong. 

7.) Elementary, middle, highschool.

8.) The Divine Principle,Victorious Gospel, Holy Marriage Blessing,National Restoration.

9.) A practice that is sometimes called "heavenly deception.

10.) Has anyone of you [young people] received the Blessing? Most of you probably haven’t. What did Jesus say to the thief on his right when he was on the cross? He said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Why did he say “paradise” and not “heaven”? Jesus came to earth to form the True Parents. I already said this the other day, but Mary, a central figure, did not fulfill her responsibilities. Zachariah’s family, the Jewish people, and the Israelites did not fulfill their responsibilities. Today’s Catholic Church attends Mary like an idol. However, she was the woman who drove Jesus to the cross. Therefore, Jesus said, “I will come again.” He said he would come to hold the marriage supper of the Lamb.

God’s ultimate creation was a man and a woman. They were to grow and finally receive the Blessing from God. They should have become the True Parents of humankind, yet fallen humankind was the result of not doing so.

Therefore, your maturity is most important. You must have a lifestyle aligned only with me, with the True Parents! Just as a sunflower always aligns itself toward the sun, you must unconditionally unite with True Mother. Until you are ready to receive the Blessing, you must maintain your purity. You must not have greed like that of Adam or Eve. The result of that was the Fall. Do you understand?

Heaven is a place that only Blessed families can enter. Jesus used the word “paradise” rather than “heaven” because he had no family of his own. People today are lucky to be able to meet True Parents. You must receive the Blessing through True Parents. Only when you do that can you take the path to be in True Parents’ lineage, which has nothing to do with the Fall. Please bear this in mind. Do you understand?

I will compliment you on one thing. You did very well the other day. Good work. When I call, you will respond unconditionally, won’t you? Thank you.

11.) “To guide America back to God through the teachings and Marriage Blessing of True Parents.”

12.) Moonie is a colloquial term sometimes used to refer to members of the Unification Church.


I believe the Unification Church is a cult, their beliefs alone are enough to prove that they know exactly how to persuade people their are just a religious group helping others around the world.  Steven Hassan, a previous cult leader, has even spoken out about the terrible things that have been going on inside of the group. At the age of 19 he was at college for his spring semester when a group of girls started introducing him to the idea of their group that they were trying to make the world a better place.  They hadn't told him they were a religious group or that they were celibate.  Within a few weeks he had dropped out of school, given them tons of money, and was taught to look at Moon as his true parent, and believe his own were Satan.  After 3 months he was a cult leader and it got to the point where he was being told to think about what country he wanted to run when they took over the world.  People were put into teams and had to raise a minimum of $100 a day or they wouldn't be allowed to sleep, and being a leader if the group can't sleep then neither could you.  When Steven had gotten into a crash and went days without sleep he had begun to miss his sister, after calling her to inform the rest of the family of his accident former members were hired to do an intervention with him.  he had been programmed to fear Satan and anyone who criticised Moon. When Steven had finally left the group he had spent three months not doing anything, figuring out how to live now that he is no longer always working for the Unification church.  Before leaving he had even thought of Moon as the Messiah and about not leaving, if it wasn't for the fleeting thought about Moon being a liar that he began to see the truth and his way of life had begun to crumble.