Beginning, Middle, and End


Do you want to become a Jr. scientist for the day? Do you want to have fun and experiment? Here´s the activity for you!

  • Students will explore and recognize that a mixture is created when two materials are combined such as gravel and sand and metal and plastic.
  •  Students will explore and recognize that a solution is a liquid mixture in which the minor component (the solute) is uniformly distributed within the major component (the solvent).
  • Students will explore and recognize that a compound is a substance formed when two or more elements are chemically bonded together (combined).
  • Students will be able to distinguish the differences between solutions, mixtures, and compounds
  • Students will be able to describe and classify samples of matter as solids and liquids, and demonstrate that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container

For the culminating activity for compounds, mixtures, and solutions, students will make Chex-mix/trail mix, Lemonade, and end with a fun little experiment. Students can have volunteers bring in supplies (offering a few extra credit point might be a great incentive). (Compounds): Student will pour two filled mini cups with oil.

  • Student will then pour oil onto plate already filled with water.
  • Student will make observation and make a hypothesis on what will happen when they pour food coloring.
  • After hypothesis they will pour a food coloring of choosing and pour five drops onto plate.
  • Student will mix the food coloring with the oil, water, and food coloring with a toothpick.

Student will observe what happens with the combination of all three elements.

(Mixtures): make trail-mix/Chex-mix by mixing all dry ingredients listed above. Talk about how/if it is possible to separate the ingredients.

(Solutions) : make lemonade by mixing water and powdered lemonade mix or fresh lemonade with lemons, sugar, and water. talk about hoe the powder or sugar dissolves and what would happen if they continued adding more and more powder (eventually it would no longer dissolve when the water can no longer hold more of the solvent). Also talk about how to separate the lemonade powder or sugar out of the water (by heating the mixture ‘till the water evaporates and the powder is left at bottom of the pan).


Compound, Mixture & Solution Experiment Rubric




Points.  _/_

No comprehension is demonstrated



The response reflects a beginning level of understanding





Appropriate use of details and vocabulary; adequate understanding




Precise vocabulary; supportive ideas; related concepts; through understanding


Group Cooperation


Points _/_

Inappropriate; resistant



Appropriate effort and cooperation



Listens attentively; helps others; shares appropriately



Encourages and redirects others back to the task; negotiates; resolves conflict


Carried out plan


Points _/_

Did not complete plan or lacked the plan



Completed with frequent assistance and prompting



Completed plan; limited prompting needed



Followed through well; autonomous; exceeded expectations




Points _/_

Attempts task with limited skill



Hesitant to proceed independently; errors are present



Correct response or solution with minimal prompting or errors


Skillful application higher-level responses than expected




Having completed the before mentioned activities, you've officially become a Jr. Scientist! Congratulations!