Fairy Tale Webquest


After taking a lot of time in class to talk and read about different Fairy Tales. Now that you have been given the assignment to create a short skit about a fairy tale, you have this quest to help you set up your skit by learning the different elements of the fairy tale. Take your time and raise your hand if you have questions!


You have worked with your groups so far on deciding what Fairy Tale you want to perform in front of the class, but for this quest you will be working on your own. I want you to work on your own in finding the elements to these stories, because it will only benefit you in the long run. 

You will:

  1. Listen to a fairy tale and listen for the elements
  2. Read two fairy tale stories and fill out your element chart
  3. Fill out the element chart for your own short skit

After you have completed the above you will then get into your groups and compare your element charts about your skits. 




Step 1: You are going to learn about the Elements of a story and listen to Cinderella. You will listen to the story then you will go through each element o the website and fill out your chart I have provided you with. Click this link Cinderella Element: http://www.learner.org/interactives/story/index.html

Step 2: Now you need to read The Little Red Riding Hood, and fill out the next element chart. Using this link: https://www.dltkteach.com/rhymes/littlered/index.htm 

Step 3: Next, you need to read The Princess and the Pea, and fill out the third element chart. Use this link: http://childhoodreading.com/the-princess-and-the-pea/

Step 4: Now you need to go back and read the fairy tale you chose to do your short skit on and then fill out the chart now that you know what the elements of a story mean. 

Step 5: Since you have filled out the elements charts, you can now get into your groups and compare your elements. 

Step 6: Your are finished! Turn it in!

P.S. All element charts consist of these; Setting, Character, Plot, Exposition, Conflict, Climax, and Resolution.  Please fill these out in sentences for full points. Make sure you are asking questions if you have any bumps in the road!



This is what you will be graded on!

Make sure you use complete sentences to get full credit!

# Beginning: 5 points Developed: 7 points Accomplished: 10 points Score:
Listening Fairy Tale Elements Student fills out worksheet in little to no words  Student fills out worksheet with fragments

Student completes worksheet with all correct answers in complete sentences.

First Reading Fairy Tale Elements Student fills out elements to Little Red Riding Hood in little to no words Student fills out elements to Little Red Riding Hood in fragments

Students fills out all elements to Little Red Riding Hood in complete sentences

Second Reading Fairy Tale Elements Student fills out elements to The Princess and the Pea in little to no words Student fills out elements to The Princess and the Pea in fragments

Student fills out all elements to The Princess and the Pea in complete sentences

Short Skit Fairy Tale Elements Student barely fills out their own short skit fairy tale sheet Student fills out their own short skit fairy tale in fragments

Student completes the empty element worksheet about their short skit fairy tale in complete sentences

Total:       __/40




You have finished your fairy tale element assignment! You should now have a fairly good knowledge of elements in a fairy tale, and these elements apply to just general stories as well. You and your groups can now get together and compare, and then apply it to your scripts. I can't wait to see your skits!

Teacher Page

This Webquest is designed for third grade students, who are learning about Fairy Tales and story elements.