

Running is a rapid form of movement that allows humans to move on foot more quickly than walking.  There is always one foot on the ground while walking, but when running there is a short phase when both feet are in the air.  Running is one of the oldest recreational activities.  The first running competitions were born from religious festivals such as the Tailteann Games and the Olympics.  The Taltieann Games took place in Ireland in honour of the goddess Tailtiu and the Olympics first took place in Greece to honour the god Zeus.  The Olympics are still around today and are the largest and most popular athletic competitions around the world.  Running is a popular activity for people of all ages and is performed for health, recreation, and competition.


It is important for runners to use correct technique while running, stretch before and after running, cross train, and give their body a break after running.


Warm up:  Before running, all athletes should perform a dynamic warm up to prevent injuries, boost performance, and increase blood flow to the muscles.  It can also help to do a few warm up laps of jogging. 

Proper shoes and clothes:  Athletes should always take into consideration what surface they will be running on before purchasing running shoes.  Ideal running shoes should have a tread that will work well with the surface that you will be running on, fit well, be designed for running or training, have enough cushion and support, and be light weight.  As for socks, synthetic running socks are the best choice because they prevent blisters.  Clothes designed for exercising are the best choice because they are light weight, are made of nylon or polyester, and are designed to enhance movement.

Choosing the right surface:  Pavement is the best choice for speed, but it does not provide any cushion for your steps.  Dirt trails and grass provide plenty of cushion, but roots, rocks, and bumps can increase risk of injury.  Treadmills offer good cushioning and speed, but your form has to alter to run on a treadmill. 

Beginner tips:  Beginners should start by running in short intervals of running and walking and they should pace themselves.  It is important not to eat less than two hours before running.  They should also remember to run with good posture and form. 

Cool down:  As with warm ups, cool downs are important to reduce the risk of injury.  They also help the body recover from all of the work that it has just done.

Recovery time:  It is important for athletes to take long breaks in between running in major competitions and even in practice runs.  After competing in a major event such as a marathon, they should rest for at least few days before attempting another competition so that their muscles can heal. 

Cross training:  Cross training can strengthen your body in ways that running can not and it can provide some variety to your exercise.


When running, you should always have tall posture and look straight in front of you instead of slouching and looking at your feet.  You should land on in the middle of your foot while running to prevent injury.  Your arms should be at an 80 degree angle to the rest of your body and your strides should be short and quick.  Try to stay relaxed while running and control your breathing.  Be careful not to set unrealistic goals or overtrain.  Instead, set goals that will be challenging but not impossible.


For those who enjoy running, there are many careers that could be pursued such as a personal trainer, a track and field coach, a gym teacher, or even an olympic runner.  Races, marathons, and other running events are hosted around the world for those who love competitive running.  Running is an activity that can be enjoyed by almost anyone whether they are running for health benefits, competition, or recreation.  
