The First Amendment to the US Constitution


The first amendment is one of ten amendments, called the Bill of Rights.  They are guarantees for each and every citizen of the United States.  After this WebQuest, you will be able to name the specific rights in the First Amendment.  Now, let's get to the learning!


To learn more about the freedoms of the First Amendment, please do the following:

  1. Name each guaranteed freedom specified in the first Amendment
  2. Provide a brief description (at least 2 sentences) of each guaranteed freedom specified in the first Amendment
  3. Draw a visual for each freedom within the First Amendment in the order in which you believe them to be important.

In order to name, describe, and visualize the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment, please use the following links to gather information.  At each link, please write down at least 5 pieces of information you can use to complete the task.



Go to the above website and read about each freedom.  At the bottom of the website is a quiz about the information on the website.  Take that quiz.  Provide proof of your score on the quiz


3. View the political cartoon below.  Think about if it relates to the First Amendment.  Be ready to discuss why or why not.



Completed all tasks

Half of the tasks were completed

Less than half of the tasks completed

Name all 1st Amendment freedoms




2 Sentence correct description of all 1st Amendment freedoms




Visual from Most to least important of 1st Amendment freedoms




Student work on the WebQuest is evaluated based on a completed/not totally completed.



Great job!

Now that you know the freedoms guaranteed within the 1st Amendment to US Constitution, it is time to apply those freedoms to real life situations.  Get ready for your next step!


The following resources were used to create this WebQuest:

The History

Google Images

Teacher Page