Food processes


Food processing is any method used to turn fresh foods into food products. This can involve one or a combination of the following: washing, chopping, pasteurising, freezing, fermenting, dehydrating, radiating, adding sugar or salt, packaging and many more.

Upon successful completion of this webquest you will be able to:

(a) understand the reasons that led and lead to the processing of food either as preservation methods or as methods of preparation of products with high added value.

(b) acquaint with the main ways of food processing.

(c) familiarize with the basic terminology.


Your task in this webquest is to collect as much info as possible for each method/technique of food processing so as to prepare a common presentation and be ableto answer the following questions:

  • Which are the benefits of food processing?
  • Which are the disavantages of food processing for our health and the environment we live in?
  • Which one of the food processes do you think that is the most harmfull for our environment? 

Step one (brainstorming)

Take a look in the following infograpic, adabted by EUFIC, and make a discussion with your peers on the ways that food is processed, and the impact of food processing:

how does food processing work

Step two (teamwork)

Make use of the following links so as to prepare your presentation

 Do not hesitate to make any change you want to the given google slide theme. (13.8 Food Process Technology)


Step three (critical thinking)

Post to the following padlet your responses to the questions:

  • Which are the benefits of food processing?
  • Which are the disavantages of food processing for our health and the environment we live in?
  • Which one of the food processes do you think that is the most harmfull for our environment?





This is how your work will be evaluated.














There is one person doing all the work, and the team is NOT working together.

The team is working individually on their own role, and don't discuss with others in a group

Team is working together, but do not use the links and do not connect information  with one another.

The whole team is working together, helping each other out, and connecting information with one another.


Research / Understanding


Don't use sources given & information is not factual.Student lacked knowledge

Use sources were given.Students understood information but couldn't apply it to their projects

Use sources given, and students understood information but lacked creativity and informational facts

Use sources, get all information asked, and goes beyond to get and applied extra information to give to their classmates a better idea on the subject



No creativity to their presentation, such a little information that classmates aren't able to understand

Students created a presentation with only text and nothing else.

Students were able to create a good presentation.

Great creativity, students are able to understand



No responses to the padlet

Padlet answers are lacking key components.

Padlet answers contain all key components

Padlet answers contain all key components and some extra information so these are complete and more useful to anyone interested in the theme.





This WebQuest was created by a team of teachers, within the co-funded Erasmus plus KA229  partnership “Eat Smart Save Your Land” (ESSAY LAND), project number: 2020-1-EL01-KA229-078815.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.