Back in time to your roots!


Many people in the world, year by year spend hundreds of hours to find out how their family history has developed for centuries. They do it out of curiosity or simply to clarify some legal issues. The descendants have much to discover. There are many questions to answer but only some of them may be answered. You might be quite surprised….


You are seeking your family roots. Now you have an opportunity to learn about the history of your ancestors. You have a chance to do that because you took a stand of the main registrar in the Civil Service. Use it to get a access to all available sources to find specific information about The New World. As you may not know there are plenty of documents illustrating the history of immigration to the Americas, so a serious amount of time should be spent on searching for your roots. There is no time to wait. Hurry up!


You will learn about :

  • reasons for immigration
  • immigration process
  • travel inconveniences
  • Poles in the history of immigration

You will be divided into a group of three.

Then each of you in a group of three will work on a separate task looking for information about the Ellis Island.

Use the links pasted below to find the information you need.

Go to the pages below by pressing the CTRL button with left mouse button at the same time.

Write down the result of your search on a sheet of paper because you will need to give this information to the other people in your group.

If you find any new unclear expressions, go to this page

After all of your individual work is done, all three of you will exchange the information you find to create a quiz for the other people in the class.




There are given some video materials on your desk. You will be responsible for finding out about some information listed below.

Skim the material to find essential information. Note the important facts about:

    • (write down the main stages of immigration process)
    • (name  the places where people used to be detained)
    • (Who was Annie Moore?)

What was the well-known and feared part of the immigration process from 1903 to 1914?

What happened with children who were under 16 when they wanted to cross border after 1907?

How long is the Great Hall ?

What is it a "six-second physical?

How many questions were asked to immigrants in immigration process?

How many languages were spoken at the Ellis Island?

How many people were born and died on the Ellis Island?





On your desk some audio materials were delivered. Your task is to find information about:

  • Information about journey conditions to the Ellis Island
    • (write down about travel inconveniences and personal feeling)




You are a bookworm so your supervisor gave you a lot of materials to read. Find out about the following information:


An outstanding performance

Satisfying performance

Poor performance


The student is on task all the time. Students eagerly takes very informative notes and promptly shares the information with the others

Sometimes S. get involved with different activities. Final result gets on time.

Students have a difficulties with concentration on the task, they are interested in other activities.

The quality of the notes taken

The notes are clear and ordered. They include all the necessary information

S. meet time requirement. Almost all of them collect all answers. A bit clumsy notes.

S. do not meet with time requirement because they do not participate in the project deeply.

The quality of the work group

S. shared materials with themselves in the equal proportions . Work on their parts with fully involvement. The task is finished in required time. Questions are accurate.

Work doesn’t shared equally. Some of S. do more than others. Meets time requirement. Is historically accurate.

S. don’t know what to do with materials. Do not meet with time requirement. Is not historically accurate. Includes answers that doesn’t have any connection to the topic.


I think you have learned many interesting facts about the history of America which enrich your knowledge for sure.

I think you are ready to face this quiz. Check yourself.