Reproduction in Plants


In this webquest, you will learned about how plants reproduce.

One attribute of life is reproduction. Reproduction is the creation of "new individuals" from existing individual. Reproduction is a means of perpetuating the race of the species whose lifespan is finite. Life forms generally employ two modes of reproduction namely, Asexual and Sexual reproduction. The distinction between the two is that there is the involvement of sex cells or gametes in sexual reproduction. Thus, sexual reproduction is a process by which gametes unite to form a new individual. The asexual process, on the other hand, does not involve the union of two gametes or sex cells.

Sexual reproduction in plant include:

-Parts and Structure of the flower

Asexual methods of reproduction include:




-Vagetative propagation

- Layering

- Grafting


Group task:

As part of the activity on the "Reproduction in Plants" the students are asked to prepare a product/performance on vegetative propagation in plants. The product should include:

  • Different methods that the farmers uses in propagating plants
  • Explanation on how a farmer performs the methods mentioned
  • Example of plants species that are propagated by the methods
  • Advantages nad economic importance of some vegetative propagation of plants

Assign product/ performance

GROUP 1 - A brochure showing the different vegetative propagation of plant

GROUP 2 - A 7 minutes PowerPoint presentation on the different methods of asexual or vegetative propagation of plants

GROUP 3 - A farmer to perform how to apply different methods of plant propagation.

Be sure to review rubric in the Evaluation portion before starting.

Individual task:

Create a report that answers these questions:

  • How do plants reproduce?
  • Why do organism reproduce?
  • The ovary develops into what structure?
  • Where are the ovules stored?

lastly, play the quiz game.


1. Click the links below that can help you to do the assigned task given by your group and also help you to answer all the questions individually.

Reproduction in Plant

Asexual methods of reproduction

1. Budding- is a process wherein new individual is formed through formation of bud, which in time splits off the parent and develops into a new individual.

2. Fission- is a process wherin the body divided into two (binary) or into many fragments (multiple) and piece develop into new individuals which are the exact clone of the parent.…

3. Fragmentation- involves the breaking of any parts or the breaking up of the entire body into several pieces.

4. Vegetative Propagation- is a common asexual methods of reproduction in plants.

5. Grafting- is widely used to propagate desired variety of trees and shrubs.

6. Layering- process whereby a shoot of a parent plant is bent until it can be covered by soil.

Sexual Reproduction…

2. After you watch the videos and read the links above, play this quize game that ask questions about the parts and functions of the flower.



Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score
Accuracy of Content The student shows deep undersatnding of sexual propagation of plants. The student shows considerable understanding of sexual propagation of plants. The student shows shollow understanding of sexual propagation of plants The student shows limited understanding of sexual propagation of plants.
Organization/ Clarity of Message All elements in product are logically and consistently presented. A very clear message is conveyed to the audience. Most elements in the product are logically and consistently presented. A very clear message is conveyed to the audience. Some elements in the product are logically and consistently presented. The message conveyed to the audience is clear.
Mechanics There are few errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.

There are some errors in punctuation, capitalization,

and spelling.

There are frequent errors in punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.








Partially Proficient






All questions were answered thoroughly, and showed higher thinking. Few grammatical mistakes were made. All questions answered, but few showed higher level thinking. Few grammatical mistakes were made. All questions were answered, but on a superficial level.  Several grammatical mistakes may have been made.

Most question were answerd, but on a supered level. Many grammatical mistakes may have been made.



From this webquest, you have learned about "Reproduction in plants". These Various methods falls into two (2) categories - Asexual and Sexual methods.

In Asexual methods reproduction, the resultant offspring are identical to their parents. Furthermore, Asexual reproduction is relatively much faster compared to the sexual mode.

On the other hand, Sexual reproduction produces variations among progemies as a result of the union of gametes.

Aside from you learned about the Reproduction in plant, you also learned how to collaborate with your groupmates by doing your task. GOOD JOB!!
