LIFESKILLS: PA 5 Keys to Good Health Part 2: Exercise


Hello, Potentia Students and students everywhere! You've already completed the first key to good health: Healthy Eating. Now it's time for the 2nd key: Exercise!Why Is Physical Activity Important?

Regular physical activity can produce long term health benefits. People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can benefit from being physically active. The more physical activity you do, the greater the health benefits.

Being physically active can help you:


  • Increase your chances of living longer
  • Feel better about yourself
  • Decrease your chances of becoming depressed
  • Sleep well at night
  • Move around more easily
  • Have stronger muscles and bones
  • Stay at or get to a healthy weight
  • Be with friends or meet new people
  • Enjoy yourself and have fun

When you are not physically active, you are more likely to:

family riding bikes

  • Get heart disease
  • Get type 2 diabetes
  • Have high blood pressure
  • Have high blood cholesterol
  • Have a stroke

Physical activity and nutrition work together for better health. Being active increases the amount of calories burned. As people age their metabolism slows, so maintaining energy balance requires moving more and eating less.

  • In this webquest, you will be researching and learning about various types of exercise that can help you stay healthy now and long into your future.
  • You will be visiting several websites and answering questions from each site.
  • When you have completed all the questions and answers, you will be creating a final project: a PowerPoint or a Prezi.
  • At the culmination of this project, you will be able to share what you've learned with your classmates, family, and friends.

Watch the following videos and write two facts from each.

Video 1: Physical Fitness: What Every Teen Must Know 

List 2 facts you've learned from Video 1:



Video 2: The Benefits and Effects of Exercise 

List 2 facts you've learned from Video 2:



Video 3: Exercise and the Brain 

List 2 facts you've learned from Video 3:



Visit each of these links and answer the questions in complete sentences:

Website 1:

1.  How are Aerobic Activities good for you?

2. What are the two types of Aerobic Activities?

3. How are Muscle-Strengthening Activities beneficial?

4. Name 2 examples of Muscle-Strengthening Activities.

5. How are bone-strengthening activities good for you?

6. Name 1 example of a bone-strengthening activity.

7. How are balance and stretching activities beneficial?

8. Name 4 examples of balance and stretching activities.

Website 2:

1. List 6 reasons why exercise is important.

2. How often should you do cardio exercises?

3. How often should you do weight lifting?

4. How often should you do stretching activities?

Website 3:…

1. Physical activity reduces risks for what 8 conditions? (List all 8 below)

2. What are 12 important reasons to stay physically active? (List all 12 below)

Website 4:

1. What are 3 easy exercises for teens? List all 3 and describe each of them in a sentence or two.

2. Where can you do these exercises?