Who Wants to Be a President?


This Fourth grade WebQuest will provide the guidelines for students to research a president and gather information to create and present an Animoto presentation.


Your task is to research fun and interesting facts about a president of your choice.  You will create a short Animoto presentation that will be presented to the class.  Your presentation should consist of basic information and interesting facts about a president.  


Complete the following steps in order to create your Animoto presentation for the president you have selected.

1.  Go to Presidents of the United States and choose a president to investigate

2.  Open up Animoto

3.  Slide 1 - President's name, your name, your teacher's name and the date

4.  Slide 2 - Picture of your president

5.  Slide 3 - When they were born and when they died, nickname, term(s) served

6.  Slide 4 - Picture of presidential seal

7.  Slide 5 - Former occupation, political party, presidential salary

8.  Slide 6 - Picture of your president or something related  

9.  Slide 7 - Go to American Presidents Life Portraits Choose your president's name from the drop down at the top of the web page then look for the heading titled, Did You Know? Select as many facts from there as you'd like.

10.  Slide 8 - Picture of your president or something related 

11.  Slide 9 - Go to American President: a Reference Resource  Choose your president's portrait and research Impact and Legacy located on the right side of the page.

12.  Slide 10 - Picture of your president or something related

13.  Slide 11 - Go to US Presidential Trivia find some additional information for your president.

14.  Slide 12 - Picture of your president or something related

15.  Slide 13 - Go to PBS Kids: Presidents: The Secret History Select a little known fact(s) about your president. 

16.  Slide 14 - Picture of your president or something related

17.  Slides 15-20 - This is where your investigative skills and creativity take over.  Create slides to include information about anything you have found out about your president that you think is newsworthy and hasn't been presented yet.  Use any of the above links as reference resources or find resources on your own.

16.  Congratulations!! You have done some hard work and important research!  Review your Animoto and make and changes that are necessary.

Beginning Developing Very Good Exemplary Score

Animoto created

following the

guidelines in the


Very little information

from the WebQuest

is included; Less than

8 slides created

Some information

from the WebQuest

is included; less than

10 slides created

Most of the 

information from

the Webquest is

included; 13 slides


All information

from the WebQuest

is included; more than

13 slides created


Photographs and


Two or fewer






Six or more 



Slides are incomplete

Slides are complete

but not in order

Slides are complete, 

order is correct, music

is relevant

Slides are complete,

order is correct, music

and layout are relevant


Difficulty with


Some difficulty with


Presentation is 


Presentation is 

complete with extras


Think of all the hard work you have accomplished.  You now have a lengthy Animoto which includes detailed information about a United States President.  You have included a video and a variety of images, as well. 

If you are interested in furthering your investigation the following websites may be of interest:

The Presidents-The Whitehouse Presidential facts and full biographies about the United States presidents.

Chronological List of Presidents A selection of portraits of each president with a description of the portrait.


Target Learners:

The WebQuest is targeted for 4th grade students but could be adapted for any intermediate elementary grade.


Students will create an Animoto presentation about a United States president.  Reading, Writing, Speaking, Technology and Social Studies standards will be addressed.
