Was Christopher Columbus a hero?


It has been known througout the history of the United States that Christopher Columbus is one of the most iconic figures of his time.  After all he did discover America.  For the Europeans and the rest of the world, this was a truly historic event.  However, was he really heroic, iconic, and as important as he was made out to be?  To the rest of the world he may be all of those things, but to the Native Americans who were already living in America he may not necissarily be viewed that way.  You, the student, are a local newspaper editor that will have to answer the following question from a local townsperson, "Do you the editor think Christopher Columbus was a hero?" 


In the daily Bobcat Times, the local newspaper, there is a section titled, "Ask the editor."  A person living in this local town asked the newspaper the following questions, "Do you think Christopher Columbus is a hero?"  Since you the student are the editor, it is up to you to answer this question in the next edition of the newspaper.  You will be researching several websites that will help to form a strong opinion and a solid answer.  This task will allow the editor to make connections with the idea that there were many different American Indian cultures inhabiting North America prior to the arrival of Europeans. 


1. The first step is to research and explore he follwing websites that will help to further the research by you the editor.  As the editor, it is your duty to take a look at these sites to form a strong supported opinion.  While looking at these websites, you should gather notes to support your argument one way or the other.





2.  After exploring and gathering information from the following websites, you will then be asked to watch this video on Christopher Columbus.


3. After taking a look at these resources, you should be able to form a strong opinion that will allow you to form a strong response to the local townsperson who is curious about your thoughts on Christopher Columbus.


This assignment will be graded on five categories.  These include: clear and concise viewpoints, supporting evidence, grammer, mechanics, etc., effort, and turning the assignment in on time.  This is an individual assignment, so all students are expected to turn this in.  There isn't any page requirement for this assignment, however, the best grades will be given to students that present a clear viewpoint with strong supporting evidence from the resources provided.












Clear and Concise viewpoint or viewpoints

Very little viewpoints or not clear

Some view, but not enough to form opinion or opinions

Good amount of viewpoints. Could be more in depth.

Excellent viewpoints. Strongly forms opinions


Supporting Evidence 

No supporting evidence with opinion

Very little supporting evidence

Enough supporting evidence for opinions.

Excellent use of supporting evidence. Cites websites and information.


Grammar, Mechanics, Etc.



Lots of grammar, spelling, punctuation errors.

Shows little amount of proofreading. Errors throughout, but can still read and understand

Shows it has been proofread, but errors still present.

Very little or no errors.



No effort

Little effort.

Good amount of effort, shows work was put in.

Strong amount of effort. Paper, research is concise and thorough.  Shows hard work was put into paper.


Turned in on time

Turned in week late

Turned in 2 to 3 days late

1 day late

Turned in on time


By conducting this webquest, you the student will learn how to form an opinion based on information that you have read, understood, and researched.  You will learn to back up an opinion (s) or argument with research that you have found.  In addition to this, you will be able to learn that there were many different Indian cultures in America prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus discovering America.  To extend your thinking, visit the following website to see how many others answered this similar question.


Teacher Page

This webquest is geared for 8th Grade American History.  It hits content statement 2 dealing with the topic of Colonization to Independence.  The content statement is: North America, originally inhabited by American Indians, was explored and colonized by Europeans for economic and religious reasons.  This webquest differentiates in a few ways.  The resources provided include articles in addition to a video that is provided to help those who learn in a more visual way.  This assignment can be done individually or in small groups.  The idea behind this assignemnt is to get students to form a valid opinion backed with evidence and research.