The Reasons for Migration


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Since the beginning of human life, people have migrated across countries in search of food, shelter, safety, and desired weather conditions.

People still sometimes move for these reasons, but new reasons for human migration are occurring, such as job relocation and overpopulation. Today you will review the reasons people continue to move around the world and create a 5-minute group presentation on the reasons why people migrate!


In groups of 3-4, discuss and research migration, elaborating on the questions below. Then use what you have learned from researching and discussing to prepare a 5-minute group presentation on the reasons why people migrate.

Further details are on the "Process" page.


There are FOUR steps to complete in this Webquest. Each group member must make an equal contribution, so as you work through these instructions, make sure you discuss, as a team, who will complete each task section.

1. Watch this introductory video to start your research on the reasons for migration. Take notes!

2.  Research the reasons for migration in more detail.

Record your notes in a shared place online with your group members, so everyone can access the research. You can use Google Docs, Evernote, or a similar application.

You will need to answer the following questions in your presentation. Divide the research and poster design tasks evenly amongst your team members:

1. How and why is the world’s population is spread out the way it is today? 

2. Why do people migrate? Consider the “push” and “pull” factors and give examples.

3. Migration reasons and examples:

- historical (e.g. Africans brought to America for slavery)

- current (e.g. Kurds in Iraq)

- Voluntary

- Forced

Use these websites to help your research

1. Population density map 

2. Population Reference Bureau

 3. BBC Bitesize - Population and Migration

4. Migration Policy Institute

5. Integrational Migration, Human Development and Integrating Societies


3. Use the prezi website to make an online presentation about the reasons for migration. 

You will need to sign up as a student for a free, basic account. You can add  collaborators to a design, once one student begins work on the Prezi, they can add others, who can work on the prezi together, at the same time. 

Choose a free template, and there is no need to create a complicated, very detailed design. 

Here is a tutorial video on how to use Prezi:

And here is one on how to collaborate in Prezi (work as a team):


3. Deliver your research in a presentation to the class.

You will be allocated a time by your teacher to present your research!


There are FOUR criteria for the assessment of your presentation. Use the Oral Presentation checklist in the EAP Student Handbook to make sure you are prepared for your presentation; and after your presentation, use it to review your own work and discuss your strengths and weaknesses. This will be valuable for future oral presentations.

The Checklist is on pages 16-17 of the handbook. 

The criteria are:

  1. Structure
  2. Content
  3. Delivery
  4. Visual Aids
  5. Body Language
  6. Timing

You should identify which criteria are your strengths and weaknesses, and then make a plan to improve on them before your next Oral Presentation.



I hope you enjoyed this learning process!