E-waste Not in my backyard


Welcome grade 5! In this unit you will be learning about e-waste and where it goes. Look around your house. It is full of electronic goods, from fridges, to lawn mowers to your DS or I-Pad.

Have your ever wondered where all these things go when you are done with them? In this unit, you will learn just that!


Task 1- E walk at home- Take photographs of technology at homw for a classroom picto graph

Task 2- Read a map and answer discussion questions online

Task 3- Choose a video to watch about e-waste disposal in India or China and respond to it by posting two things you found disturbing  about what you saw, and 2 questions you would ask adults about e- waste disposal methods.

Task 4- Read information about e -waste disposal in Canada, USA and Europe.

Task 5- Post a diary entry about what you have learned and how you can change/influence your family and friends to change their consumer behaviours.


Task 1- E- walk.  With the camera you have been given in class, take a walk around your house. Photograph and record all the electronic item you see. Record them in the following categories: 

1. Information Technology (technology that gives you information. e.g. computers, cell phones)

2. Household appliances (things that help you at home e.g. fridge, vacuum dish washer)

3. entertainment goods (things you use to entertain yourself. e.g. DS. I-Pad,)

4. Other (technology that is none of these. e.g. electric shaver, digital clock)

Bring back the camera to class, ready to upload your pictures. Also be ready to share the information with the class. We will be making a pictograph on the wall of all the electronic items in our houses.

Task 2

Here is a map of where most of the world's E-waste goes. After looking at the map well and reading everything on it, go to the discussion and answer the 4 posted questions. Make sure you look at the legend at the bottom.