Learning English by Watching Movies.


Learning English by watching movies is learning by input. The learning process is similar. First you get lots of correct English sentences into your head.

Then you can imitate them and you can make your own sentences. And isn't that why you are learning English — to be able to make your own sentences?

 That is why watching movies (just like reading books) is such a great way to learn English.

Of course, there are important differences between movies and books. With books, you learn how native speakers write in English.

With movies, you learn how they speak English.You learn what words they use.


 When speaking, native speakers use words and phrases that you often won't find in a book. Spoken language is different from "book language".

 For example:

                         Book:        The price of five dollars was acceptable, and I decided to purchase it.

Spoken:     It was, like, five bucks, so I was like "okay".

    Movies let you improve your pronunciation. You learn to understand spoken language. Movies are made for native speakers, not for learners of English.

So the actors talk fast, just like native speakers talk in real life


Here's what you do:

1.Click on the link.

2.Watch the video, and pay attention to it! (You can pause and rewind the video.)

3.Answer the listening comprehension questions below the video.

4.Check your answers.




QUESTIONS:choose the correct answers:

1. They parents are moving to Antwerp in ___________.

   A. July         B.January       C. June

2. Why is the young man upset?:

  A.Because the parents will leave before the baby is born.

  B.Because the parents will still be around when the baby is born.

  C.Because he doesn't think Antwerp is an exciting city.

3. How long had the parents been talking about moving before they finally decided to do it?:

  A.5 years       B.10 years      C.15 years

4. How far will the parents be from their grandchild?:   

    A.3,000 miles      B.More than 3,000 miles      C.A little less than 3,000 miles

5. How does the father refer to Antwerp?:

    A.He's excited      B.The city of light     C.In June


How to learn as much as possible

The difficulty of watching movies

You won't learn anything from the movie if you don't understand it. You probably won't enjoy it, either. :(

This is one big problem with movies: They are much more difficult to understand than books. If you don't understand a word in a book, you can simply look it up in a dictionary, because the word is written there (you know its spelling). With a movie, you sometimes hear something, but you don't know what it is. Sometimes you don't even know if you've heard one word or two. There are other reasons why listening is more difficult than reading, and they all mean one thing: If you want to understand a movie, you have to know a lot of English words  and not only their spelling, but also their pronunciation.


What to do when you don't understand something

you can stop it whenever you don't understand a sentence. You can then play the sentence many times and perhaps you'll be able to understand all the words in the sentence. If you still don't understand a word or two, you can try to look them up in a dictionary (which is not easy, because you have to guess their spelling!).

Most movies players let you turn on subtitles . With subtitles, there is no problem with quick or unclear dialog: everything is just written on the screen. It is also easy to look up difficult words in your dictionary, because you know their spelling. 

Learning techniques

  • What else can you do to learn from movies more effectively? The same things that you should do when reading books:

    1. Pay atteto interesting things: new words, phrases, and grammar structures.

    2. Use your dictionary to learn about these interesting things. You can stop the movie to difficult words. You can also write down all the interesting sentences, and look them up later. But do use your dictionary!


   Receptive foreign language proficiency is usually measured with reading and listening comprehension tasks. A novel approach to assess such proficiencies - viewing comprehension -is based on the presentation of short instructional videos followed by one or more comprehension questions concerning the preceding video stimulus. In order to evaluate a newly developed viewing comprehension test 485 German high school students completed reading, listening, and viewing comprehension tests, all measuring the receptive proficiency in English as a foreign language. Fluid and crystallized intelligence were measured as predictors of performance. Relative to traditional comprehension tasks, the viewing comprehension task has similar psychometric qualities. The three comprehension tests are very highly but not perfectly correlated with each other. Relations with fluid and crystallized intelligence show systematic differences between the three comprehension tasks. The high overlap between foreign language comprehension measures and between crystallized intelligence and language comprehension ability can be taken as support for a uni-dimensional interpretation. Implications for the assessment of language proficiency are discussed.


Benefits of Watching Movies in English

The development technology right now, on the way. It can influence on human life at all sectors.

Information technology has been used from education sector until business, many information of intellectual, practical, technical, and entertainment are promoted on electronic audio visual as on television, radio, and internet.

Television as one of a prove of modern technology has given many advantages for human life.By watching television people can know everything about news, entertainments, etc in far away of place. Television has become an effective medium to transfer knowledge, information, and culture, habit even life style.

Most people in our environment think that development technology has brought more negative effect than the positive one, such as – television,and internet.

I want through this paper to tell the readers to see the positive side of watching television in learning English There are many benefits that can be achieved through watching movie.

The first, watching is something enjoyable, moreover if we understand about it. by watching people can know the current things. English movie are very develop nowadays and known HERE (in our country ) because of the effect of globalization era on information sector. The second, watching English movie hava many  advantages for English students, not only as something enjoyable but also as motivation to learn English.

Finally, the students can also learn a lot of things from watching English movie such as – pronunciation, vocabulary, style, intonation even western culture, habit etc.