Royal National Park


Prior to experiencing this virtual experience of Wattamolla you will learn about the significance of place and the influences of people on the environment. This will be done through reading through a fact sheet and conducting a research task so that they can better understand the importance of place and the need to preserve it. 

Students sketches, noting of findings, the tracking of coordinates and observations are demonstrated throughout this virtual excursion.

By the end of the virtual field work program, you will be able to form relationships and linkages between the syllabus content (curriculum program) related to Investigating Australia's Physical Environment and the field work study.


By planning and visually touring the Wattamolla site at the Royal National Park Stage 3 you will still be able to observe and, “describe the diverse features and characteristics of places and environments (GE3-1). 

1. You will utilise the available GPS devices to track down the various species through the coordinates provided to you.

2. As part of the virtual tour you will be required to note any litter they may see like paper, empty cans, plastic bottles and then evaluate how long they take to decompose in the environment.

3. You will be required to note your findings at each location and then write a description of the environment as observed through the objects and symbols.

4. You will be required to complete a handout whereby they identify natural features and draw a labelled field sketch. This will help you further develop your geographic skills of presenting information and labelling important features.


This activity will be completed as a research task in groups and you will be asked to share your findings and discuss the implications this will have on the environment. Through this discussion and research students will be able to, “explain interaction and connections between people, places and environments (GE3-2)”.

Lesson 1

Please read, the letter written by Su Garfinkle  ‘Threat of Marine Plastic Pollution’ at Wattamolla Beach and the Royal National Park- this will help you understand the facts and true implications of litter on animals in that environment making them conscious of the importance of being sustainable and the implications of their actions in the long run.  

Upon completing the virtual tour and engaging in the article you will be required to write a TEEL (Topic Sentence/ Example/Explain/link) paragraph to address the key Inquiry question: How do people and environments influence one another?  This will enable you to engage in an embedded literacy structure that they are familiar with and present a response based on your findings. 

(i) investigate the ways people change the natural environment in Australia and another country

Lesson 2

Please watch the, ‘Podcast: Litter, What, Where and How’ so students can visually see the impact of litter on marine life in Australian National Parks.. The factual details and physical viewing of the litter and the animals affected will you have a deeper understanding about the influence of people's actions on places; and how it makes it too difficult to manage them for future generations.

The factual details and physical viewing of the litter and the animals affected will help you have a deeper understanding about the influence of people's actions on places; and how it makes it too difficult to manage them for future generations.

(i) compare and contrast influences on the management of places and environments 


Please view the rubric given to evaluate the efficiency of the work that the person has done to find the answers to the target questions.



Additionally, you will be demanded to complete the Individual and Group Feedback attached below. 





This excursion to the Royal National Park specifically visiting Wattamolla enabled you to engage your senses as you actively watch, observe, move, note, solveand  engage in the importance of place and the factors that influence it.