Which is the Better Deal?


The Fun Time Amusement Park has 3 deals. It is up to you to figure out which is the better deal.

Deal 1-Daily Rate Deal 2-Silver Pass Deal 3-Gold Member
It costs $25 a day to visit the amusement park. It costs $60 for the pass but it only costs $10 a day to visit the amusement park. It costs $120 for the pass but only $5 a day to visit the amusement park.

Using the three deals above, find an equation to represent each deal. For example if a deal read "A pass costs $30 but only $20 a day to visit the amusement park" would result in an equation reading y=20x+30 because the pass costs an initial $30 but the total cost (y) is then dependent on how many days (x) a person visits the park.

Use the equations that you developed to create a table like the example below:


Deal 1-Daily Rate


Deal 2-Silver Pass


Deal 3-Gold Member













Use the data from your table to create a graph that has all three deals included on the same graph. You may use a piece of graph paper. Remember to label your axis and title your graph. 

Score 0 1 2 3 4
Equations Not Complete or Correct. Olny one equation is complete and correct. One two equations are complete and correct. All equations are correct and complete. Correct, complete, and variables are desribed. What do the letters stand for?
Tables Not Complete or Correct. Only one of the tables is complete and correct. Only two of the tables are complete and correct. All tables are correct and complete. Correct, complete, and top row of tables labeled with variable, equation, and coordinate.
Graphs Not Complete or Correct. Three lines are graphed but intervals are not consistent. All three lines are graphed correctly with appropriate intervals but there are no labels on one or both axis. All lines graphed correctly on a graph labeled with appropriate intervals and units. Correctly graphed on labeled axes, with each line identified as daily, silver, or gold pass.
Conclusion Not Complete or Correct. Match one or two correctly but justification is incorrect or not present. All three matches are correct but justification is incorrect or not given. Correct and you give shoret justification for your answer by referencing the tables, graphs, or equations. Correct, you give thorough justification for your answer by referencing tables, graphs, or equations.

Jasmine, Fran, and Shamika are planning on going to the Amusement Park over the summer. Jasmine is taking 3 days, Fran is taking 15 days, and Shamika is taking 8 days out of their summer to visit the park. Select with option woud be the best deal for each person. Explain how you arrived to your conclusion.

Lastly, decide for yourself which option would be the best deal for you to purchase for your summer vacation and explain why.