Making a snowflake from paper


Making a snowflake from paper!

Do you think its possible to make a snowflake from paper? Well, yes it is! This Grade 9 class has been selected the best class of the year and as a result of this you will be making a snowflake from paper for your final exam for craft class. Today we will be learning how to make a snowflake from paper.


While doing this assignment, you will not only learn how to make a snowflake from paper, but you will learn how to be creative with your hands. We will be exploring how to make craft from paper. In order to participate in this task you will need the following items: a piece of paper, two paper clip, and scissors. 


Steps in making a snowflake

1) With the piece of paper, fold it in four quarters. 

2) Open it a little. 

3) From the middle fold the paper 60 degrees going up. 

4) Fold the other side of the paper upward in the opposite direction. 

5) Fold the paper in half and attack both paper clips opposite each other so that the paper do not move. 

6) Cut off the top of the paper. 

7) Cut around the paper making a design of your choice and ensure that the edges stay in tact. 

8) Clean up after yourself 

9) Write two sentences on how you would describe your snowflake?

Good Luck!

Rubrics to follow to get an 100%        
Did you follow the instrutions? 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 points
How well did you describe your snowflake? 4 points points points points
Were you creative? points points points points
Did you clean up after yourself points points points points

Congradulations, you have completed the assignment in making a snowflake from paper. Some thought it was impossible, but now you can show your family members and friends how to make a snowflake from paper. 

Teacher Page

Thank you for participating with helping to make this activity a success. It is a pleasure working with you and I'm hoping that making a snowflake will be beneficial to you in the future. 

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