Shared Mobility Module


To the Collaborative Design Class, welcome to Shared Mobility Module!  In this webquest, your role is serving as the Technical team of a collaboration with our Accounting and Finance career cluster teams.  This goal of this module is to develop a poster presentation of a business case to present to the Engineering Design and Accounting and Finance teachers to reduce parked cars on campus by proposing a shared mobility platform.


Teacher:       B.Gebby

Course:        Collaborative Design: Reduce Parked Cars

Topic:            Shared Mobility

Duration:      (55 minutes)

Electric scooters. [Photograph]. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest.




Your task is to create a poster presentation together with the Accounting and Finance team.  The poster presentation will propose a business case for a shared mobility solution for our school campus to reduce parked cars and make it possible to re-purpose parking lots for educational purposes, more greenspace, and reduce carbon emissions on campus.  Your team will use online technical specifications, articles, and case studies found on the internet to propose a new shared mobility solution for our school.


National Standards 15.0000 – Engineering, General (2011) Consolidated

III.        Problem-Solving And Critical Thinking:

A.  Use mathematics, science, and technology concepts and processes to solve problems in projects involving design and/or production (e.g. medical, agricultural, biotechnological, energy and power, information and communication, transportation, manufacturing, and construction).

Level 1 – Apply the core concepts of technology and recognize the relationships with STEM systems (e.g. systems, resources, criteria and constraints, optimization and trade-off, and controls).


Performance Objective: Given access to the internet and a collaboration with the Accounting and Finance teams, build a technical study, in the form of a poster board, of a complete shared mobility solution for students on our campus which reduces the number of vehicles on campus, according to the rubric.


Instructional Topic

  • Learn how to collaborate with the Accounting and Finance team to prepare and present a business case that reduces parked cars, and carbon emissions, at our school



  • Overview: Develop an Engineering Study
  • Overview: Cost Analysis


  1. Login to classroom using your class login credentials, open the “Shared Mobility” folder and find your assigned partners in your email.  – 1 min
  2. Begin a MS Teams chat with your assigned partners. – 1 min
  3. Open the Key Performance Indicators template in the folder and copy it for your first design option KPI document, title the file “Shared Mobility W21 Team <team number in your email> Design Number 1” and share the file with your partners. – 1 min
  4. Using the teacher’s rubric, start an online meeting with your partners and develop a clear design objective, project targets, and milestones and enter them into the template. – 1 min
  5. Again using the rubric, discuss as a team who will be contributing what information to the design.  For example, one teammate could be collecting the data criteria, one teammate could be collecting specifications, another could be developing the equations, etc.  Please note in the rubric that to get full credit for the poster presentation at the end that each team member needs to speak to at least one area of the poster presentation. – 5 min
  6. After agreeing on the roles of team members, then open the website on Shared Mobility and identify potential options that would fit the needs of our school campus.  Make a list of in the “Notes” section of the KPI template of constraints about Shared Mobility on our campus: what it must do, what it does not have to do, etc. – 10 min
  7. As a team, agree on an initial design idea to test your KPIs and prototype some initial design calculations.  Review the initial design calculations as a group.  Do the calculations make sense?  Would you show these results to the teacher or would you work on them some more?  Collect those results in the KPI template slides. – 13 min
  8. As a team, identify all data objects needed to prepare the design option: for example, product cost, product longevity, maintenance cost, resale cost (if equipment will be re-sold after its specified life), training cost (if necessary) and scrap cost. – 10 min
    1. Recall from developing an engineering study that scrap cost is the cost to responsibly dispose an object according to appropriate disposal regulations, such as battery removal, hazardous waste removal, etc.
  9. Make a digital poster and using MS Teams, record a meeting in which the digital poster is presented by the team. – 10 min
  10. Save and close the recording, and the digital poster and, return to Schoology and submit the assignment using your Team number.  Also, please submit the Google Form for the student evaluation form. – 2 min
  11. Logoff your workstation and clean up your desk. – 1 min


Exceeds Target

(Maximum Points)

Meets Target

(70% of Maximum)

Does Not Meet Target

(50% of Maximum)

0 Points - Absent

Key Performance Indicators

(Points = 10)

KPI Template is filled out with no more than one typographical error.

Design objective is very clear, descriptive, and to the point

Design targets and milestones can be done within a standard payback period

Data objects and criteria link to the specifications used for the design.

Final calculations have no errors and Notes are descriptive with links to backup details

KPI Template is filled out with no more than two typographical errors.

Design objective is vague, or not descriptive.

Design targets and milestones do not meet a standard payback period.

Data objects and criteria have more than one error linking to the specifications.

Final calculations have one error and Notes are not descriptive with broken links to backup details

KPI Template is filled out with no more than three typographical errors.

Design objective is vague or absent.

Design targets and milestones do not meet any milestone.

Data objects and criteria have more than two errors linking to the specifications.

Final calculations have two errors and Notes are not descriptive with broken links to backup details

KPI Template is empty


(Points = 4)


Each design option is drawn properly with appropriate use of graphs and charts to describe the pros and cons.

Design meets or is below budget target described in KPI by more than 5%

A design option is missing one drawing or graph to describe the pros and cons.

Design exceeds budget target described in KPI by more than 2%

A design option is missing two drawings or graphs to describe the pros and cons.

Design exceeds budget target described in KPI by more than 20%

Design options are missing


(Points = 8)

Poster is well drawn with zero mistakes, both attracting the reader’s attention in a professional way, as well as communicating the project results

Each student on the design team talks about at least one part of the poster.

Poster is well drawn with one mistake, or appears confusing or illogical to the reader.

Not every student on the design team talks about at least one part of the poster.

Poster is not well drawn with more than one mistakes or appears confusing or illogical to the reader.

Only one student on the design team talks about the poster.

Poster is absent

Supporting Documentation

(Points = 4)

Each design option includes a folder of complete specifications of all design parts including drawings, calculations, including costs.

All drawings are annotated according to teacher’s rubric from Technical Drawing Module with zero mistakes

Not every design option(s) has complete specifications, drawings, calculations, or costs.

All drawings are annotated according to teacher’s rubric from Technical Drawing Module with one mistake.

Design option(s) are missing specifications, drawings, calculations, or costs.

Drawings are not annotated according to teacher’s rubric from Technical Drawing Module with multiple mistakes.

Supporting documentation is absent

Student Evaluation Form

(Points = 4)

Student Post-Project Evaluation Form is submitted completely


Student Post-Project Evaluation Form is incomplete.

No submission

Total Points (Maximum 30 Points)






Interest Approach

  • Students will learn that they must collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds and experiences in the real world to fully develop a business case that can be approved by their leadership.
  • Students will have an opportunity to be recognized for their hard work by presenting it to their teachers.


Learning Experiences

  1. Students will apply their knowledge of developing an engineering study to a goal of reducing cars on campus and the carbon emissions of those cars.



  1. In addition to creating the online poster together with their colleagues, students will submit a recording of their presentation in a digital form, such as using MS Teams.  Also, students will submit a Student Evaluation Form reflecting on their experience.
Teacher Page

B.Gebby is a Career Technology Education student at Eastern Michigan University in the Business Management Marketing and Technology Education department.  He has a Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Oakland University and a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from The Ohio State University.  This webquest is initially completed on April 14, 2021.