Singular and Plural Nouns



WAIT!!! You don’t know what a noun is. No worries. 
This webquest will help you learn all about the different types of nouns. Get started now to learn all about nouns.


What is noun? What are some of the types of nouns?

  • You should be able to answer these questions at the end of your WebQuest.
  • You will learn about all types of nouns. You will be using this information to answer the exercises. In order to answer those, you will need to do a bit of research about nouns. 
  • First define what a noun is using the websites provided.
  • Next, you will have to research a bit on the various types of nouns, for in the exercises you will need to use specific nouns. 
  • You will be guided to several websites to help you learn all about nouns.
  • You will also review with a few quizzes to make sure you understand what you have written in your notes.

I. Read"Caps for Sale"

A. Before beginning to read, tell children to listen for plural words, (words that end in -s and describe more than one thing)and when they hear them to give you (the teacher) a "thumbsup" signal.

B. Read thebook through slowly, being careful to notice the "thumbs up" from the students on the plural words.

C. After reading, have children recall orally (while teacher writes them on the board) the words that were plural. After theyhave remembered all they could, page through the book and see if they can find anymore they missed. (You can show them the pictures that relate to the pluralwords: caps, monkeys, fingers, hands, etc.). Talk about other plural words that were not in the story text, but were shown in the book in pictures. Add them to your collection of plural words on the board.

D. Make a column of the singular words that relate to the plural words listed. Show students from list on the board that each word is made plural by adding an  -s.

II. Passout a worksheet that has two columns: Under each column there is either a picture of one object or a group of objects with the singular or plural word under it. For example: stars star -cow cows - cars car - hat hats. Students (along with the teacher) are to circle the picture and relating word that is plural. Bring to their attention each time that the -s is found at the end of the plural words. Have students also circle the -s at the end of the plural word.


Exercises 1.

Finish the sentences with the  singular or plural form of the nouns.

The cat is sitting on my _______.
There are five ______  on my desk.
I have two ______.
They are riding their ______.
We have a ______.
How many  ______ do you have in your bag?
My mother has a new ______.
There are three windows in the _______.
Susan has four _______.
There is one ______ on the floor.


Exercises 2.

Can the following nouns be counted or not? Choose the correct answer.

milk → 
room → 
butter → 
song → 
music → 
minute → 
tea → 
child → 
homework → 
key →


WOW! You did it.
Nouns are an important part of speech. It shows just how often the many different nouns you learned about are used in our daily lives.

CONGRATULATIONS!  You have completed the rigorous "singular and plural nouns" training.

Teacher Page

TEACHER NOTES Teachers – A graphic organizer follows. The webquest asks students to participate in finding out information about nouns and taking notes. The organizer can be used as an online notetaking tool or something that is printed for students to use as they research. It can be used for all your classes or just as a modification for students 
that would have difficulty 
taking their own notes.

Note: Some of the websites used require membership ( Brain Pop, Quia). You can have students 
access these activities and use a trial version of the programs.