Five Different Countries that Influenced Regions of the present United States


Description: The webquest is gong to challenge students to understand clearly how France, Spain, Portugal, England, and the Netherlands influenced region s of the presents United States. 

CurriculumSocial Studies

Standard: TNCore SS 4.6 Create a graphic organizer identifying the five different countries (France, Spain, Portugal, England, and the Netherlands) that influenced different regions of the present United States at the time the New World was being explored, and describe how their influence can be traced to place names. (G)

Key Words: France, Spain, Portugal, England, Netherlands

AuthorSamantha Gillion,Kristina Crawford, and Erin Beam

Vacations are always fun and entertaining. During the sleepless night before thoughts race through our heads of the new adventure that awaits us. Today we are going to explore countries that have influenced the United States. Our tour guides Lisa and Bill are going to assist us on our journey. Lets get started!


I hope you guys have got your suitcases packed and are ready to roll. We have got so much to cover in such a little time. Lisa and Bill are waiting for you guys.  At then end of your trip, you guys are going to be responsible for making your own graphic organizer for each country. Come on time is wasting!!!


Boys and Girls welcome to our wonderful journey through the five different countries. We are looking forward to being your tour guides for the day. Please follow each one of our directions clearly, this will ensure everyone's safety and understanding. Keep all hands and feet in the plane. Thank you.


1. The University of Memphis student teachers is going to split you all up into groups. Each group will exist of two students. Look to your right, whomever you are sitting by, that is your partner. Those of you that are on the end of the row the U of M students got you covered, and they will come place you with a partner. It is always fun to be in groups, but we always run into a small problem of sharing that yummy keyboard and the wonderful mouse. Let me tell you what we are going to do. Partner one is going to have the mouse first and partner two will have the keyboard. After ten minutes we will switch. 


2. Lisa and Bill have a story that they want to share with each of you. Once you have read the story its time for you guys to begin making your own graphic organizers with all the fun information you have learned. Your graphic organizer should have the following:

  1. How did this Country influence the United States?
  2. Picture 
  3. An explanation of how this picture explains how this country influenced the United States.


3. Remember keep focus and stay on task. Click on the link labeled #1 to take you to Bill and Lisa. Once you are finished then click on #2, and so on. Once you are finished you will complete your graphic orginizer.  #1. Meet Lisa and I here.#2. Hey guys follow this link to New Orleans to see how France has influenced this state. Enjoy the ride. #3. I hope you guys enjoyed New Orleans. Load up for England here.  #4. Come Guys dont get tried on us yet! Lets stop here for Protugal.#5. Are you guys having fun!!! Lets go to Netherlands here.#6. Man!! We are Jetlaged from all this traveling. Last but not least. Visit Spain here

Students now that's the way to travel!! Now it's your turn to create a chart that tells about the Country’s you learned about today. Look for one of the U of M students to assist you with your Weebly account to begin your chart. Once you are finished come back and join us for your conclusion. Remember; Have Fun!!


A BIG TIGER hug for everyone today!!!!!!

I hope that you guys have enjoyed the journey and that you learned a lot. We have had an awesome time with you guys today. Thank you for letting us come and invade your class time. Until next time, be safe and obey your teachers.