The Music in You


Imagine, your a African Prince or Princess in South Africa and you dancing to the tribal music of your people during the royal ceremony. Or, your a latin salsa dancer who is trying to out beat another team in a competition. Or even a hip hop dancer just doing a dance battle and trying to get some street cred. Where music originated from, and how it came to be the way that it is has to do a lot with the history of that particular genre of music. As does the specific dances that attribute to either that genre or that era in which the music was first produced in. Music is in everything we do in life. It is impossible go throughout an entire day without hearing at least one song. Can you imagine what it would be like to be a hip hop dancer, or even a country line dancer? Or to come up with a dance that matches that style of a particular genre. 

Here is an example of an African Tribal Dance


After going over a quick glimps of different genre's of music. With the topic being about different genre's of music and different eras the students will be working in groups of 2-4 and selecting a genre they would like to work with personally. Once every group has picked their genre, they will have to work with the dance teacher, to collaborate and create a unique dance that goes with either that specific genre, song, or artist. Or something that would fit back in that era that has a unique spin to it that they add some of their own flair to it. The students will also be creating a podcast, of what it was like during the week of going over the dances moves, and working with the specific people that they choose, and also what they learned about either their genre, the specific artist, or the song. At the end of the week, all groups will perform their piece infront of the class as well as their podcast. 



The process in which to complete this assignment would be as follows. 

1. The students need to choose a group having at least 2 people and no more than 4. 

2. Once the groups are established the students will fill out the chart, consisting of the names of people in that group and their groups name.

3. After everyone has filled out the chart, the groups will sit together and choose one by one, the genre, artist, song, or era they want to work with and I will write it next to their group name.

4. The due dates, of their assignment will also be given out after each group is finished selecting their music type. 

5. The groups will have 45 minutes of in class time to research some information about their choice.

6. The rest of the week, will be both in class and out of class to work towards completing the assignment with choosen group members and the dance teacher.

Here are just a few examples of some music genre's with dances

folling; Country line dancing Techno freestyle – Traditional South African Dance – Jazz dancing – Hip Hop – Latin Dance – Pop 


The rubic for this assignment is as follows:




Shows no effort in the dance or composition of it.


 Group showed little creativity in their project.


The group put together a good project that depicts a lot of creativty.


The group did a fantastic job showing off the creativity of their project.


The creativity that was shown was amazing!

Length and quality of podcast


 Podcast was too short and did not explain the project.


Video was a little longer, but the quality was still a little lacking.


The length of the video is good and the quality is okay.


The length of the video was good and the quality was great.


The length of the video was excellent and the quality was superb.

Delivery of Dance


The dance was short, and did not tell a story or show what genre is originated from


The dance did generate some thought on the part of the dancers.


The dance was adequate and they worked hard to deliver.


The dance exhibits the amount of hard work that the group put in.


The dance was excellent and the students put on a great show!

Firm understanding of the genre, artist, song, or era chosen.


The group did not understand what is would be like back in that era. They did not show a clear understanding.


The group somewhat understood the history behind that specific genre. 


The group kind of grapsped the concept of the history during that specific era or genre of music.


The group had a pretty good understadning of the history behind the specific genre or era of that time.


The understanding was clear throughout the entire performance. Students had a clear understanding of that era and genre of music.

Total Points








At the end of the week, all students will come together. During a 30 minute rug session the class will collaborate about what they liked and did not like about the assignment. What was hard, and what turned out to be easy. How they chose who was going to be in their group and what would work best dancing wise as far as the group was concerned. What they would have done differently if they had more time, or different people or even chose something different. And lastly what they can take away from the week of working on this project. 

Teacher Page

This webquest tailors to many different aspects of education such as; literacy and language arts, the arts, and history. The webquest is not just another lesson for students to just learn and then forget all about later. This webquest is to take their wondering minds down the road of the past, present, and possibly the future of music and dance. The students learn skills such as collaboration/team work, communication, and last but certainly not least the students learn more about different cultures. This webquest is a fun, invigorating process that takes the student from the present and sends them to the past. Giving them a sense of history and understanding that it is hard for some teacher to project. By letting the students choose their own topic and create a dance, you are promoting independance and self-education in more ways then one. 

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