Spelling-Sound correspondence with Vowel Teams


Grade: 2nd grade RTI group

Lesson Time: 15-20 minutes

Standard: 2.FL.PWR.3

Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when decoding isolated words and in connected text.

b. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.

Hello Students,

Today we will be focusing on correctly spelling words with utilizing "ai" and "ay" words despite their similar spelling-sound relationship.

Can anyone remind me and the rest of class what group the letter A-I and Y fall in to? (Vowels)


Objective: By the end of the lesson student will know how the vowel combination "ai" and "ay" are used in words along with being able to correctly spell words that use these vowel combinations.

Students will learn through videos, worksheets, and conversing with peers to see the common trends in the relationships between the vowel combinations and their place in words.


1. First students must learn how even though "ai" and "ay" sound similar, they are spelled differently because they are used in different parts of a word (middle and end) we will review this as a class through group discussion.

2. Following this we will watch a video to show the students how this works. 

3. Students will complete the "ai-" "ay-" correct spelling worksheet with a partner and then we will come back as a class to review the worksheet. (Will tag worksheet in canvas, would not imbed image in webquest)

4. Students will participate in a pen and paper spelling test of words utilizing ai and ay sounds and be graded based off their correct spelling. Words will be:

Tray, Play, Brain, Stay, Pain, Nail, Mail, Day, Bay, Drain




Points Possible: 10

Students will receive 1 point for each correct spelling of a word (utilizing the correct form of -ai or -ay)

Questions: 10

Points per question: 1



Following the completion of the spelling assessment and the rest of the class activities, students will share with the class one thing they learned during the lesson that they can now add to their toolbox of prior knowledge.