Adjectives: Making Stories Interesting


Are you ready to become an amazing, energetic, resourceful adjective detective?  Adjectives add excitement to your writing. A world without adjectives would be boring... wait boring is an adjective so a world without adjectives would be..... This webquest will lead you on a hunt for adjectives to make your stories come alive!  So let's begin our journey!


Adjectives make a story fun and exciting!!! Look at that, the words "fun and exciting" are adjectives! 

First, you are going to be asked to watch a fun video to learn all about adjectives! After the video you are going to play a game and then take a fun quiz to test your knowledge on adjectives. After the quiz you are going to fill in adjectives to a story to make it sound interesting. The adjectives are going to describe different nouns. In this story, many of the adjectives are going to describe a bird. Can you think of some words to describe a bird? What color is the bird? Is it big or small? 

Finally, you are going to break into groups and complete an adjective challenge where you will need to come up with 20 adjectives but not show them to anyone in your group! You will use these in a story!

You will be able to tell a great story using many adjectives at the end of this webquest.


Adjectives.... Do you know what they are? Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They are what make our stories interesting. Compare these two sentences:

1.)The girl ran down the road.

2.) The dirty little girl ran down the dark, muddy road.

Which sentence is more interesting? Which one grabs your attention and makes you want to read more? Adjectives are like the flavoring for our writing. We can write a sentence without adjectives but, it will be a boring sentence.

Go to the following website and watch this movie to learn more:

Now that you understand what an adjective is and what it does, how about a game to help you practice?

Did you enjoy the game? Now that you have had some practice lets test your knowledge. Take this quiz to see how well you understand what an adjective is and how they are used:

How did you do? Are you ready for a challenge? Break into pairs.Write the story below filling in your own adjectives in each of the blanks. Then compare your story to other  group's stories. How different are they? Do different adjectives change the story?

     One _____ day, I was sitting in my _____ room. I looked out my window to see a _____ bird with _____ spots sitting in a tree. I had never seen the ____ bird before. I went outside to see if she had a nest in the tree. To my surprise, ______ baby birds were in a nest in the tree. They looked just like the mommy bird except they were ____er and _____er.

Are you ready for the real challenge? Are your creative juices flowing? Can you use adjectives to make a story unique? If you think you are ready try this:

1) Have each member of your group come up with a list of twenty adjectives. Everyone should keep their list private. Shhhh... no telling!

2) As a group write a story leaving 20 blanks for adjectives. Remember each adjective describes a noun so there must be at least 20 nouns in your story.

3) Print a copy of your groups story for each person in the group. Each person should use their list of adjectives and fill in the story. Compare your stories. Are they all different? Are they silly? Do your stories make sense? Did you choose adjectives that worked well?

4) Turn in your completed stories to your teacher. Remember to use adjectives to make all of your writing more interesting.


How well do you understand adjectives and their use now? Click on the link below to test your knowledge.

How did you do? If you score a 10/12 or better you have mastered adjectives. If you did not do as well you should try some of the links on the next page for some more practice. Then come back here and take the quiz again until you do well.

Your teacher will use the rubric below to check your progress and determine how well you understand adjectives. You should try to reach the level of very good or better on each of your assignments.


Evaluation Rubric
  Beginning Getting There Very Good Outstanding Score
Bird Story You used a few different adjectives that somewhat described the nouns. You used several different adjectives that could describe the nouns, however they could describe any noun. You used many different adjectives that describes specific nouns well You used many different adjectives that creatively worked together to form a cohesive story. You showed a strong understanding of adjectives and their use. 25
20 Adjectives You came up with a list of words that were mostly adjectives. You came up with a list of words that were all adjectives. You words were very basic and most of them were given throughout the quest. You list is all adjectives and is creative. You showed that you understand adjectives by coming up with some of your own. You have a list of twenty adjectives that are original and creative. You brainstormed adjectives that were not given in the quest showing that you have a good grasp of the concept. 25
Collaborative story You added adjectives throughout the story. You used appropriate adjectives in the story. You used each adjective from your list in the story. You used adjectives in the best places in your story. You were creative in your use of adjectives so that your story flowed smoothly. 50



Congratulations on a job well done! We hope you had a fun time. After completing all the provided tasks, you should recognize the importance of adjectives in your writing. Adjectives describe nouns. They help paint a picture of what the author is writing about. Adjectives take your writing from boring to interesting!

Not confident about adjectives? Try this website:

Want to practice your new skills a little more?  Click on these links for more games and activities:

You are now an amazing adjective detective! Your writing should be more interesting if you remember to use your new skills.Click on the link below for a certificate to show how hard you worked.

Teacher Page


This webquest will help students understand how important adjectives are in their writing. They will learn what an adjective is and how they make their writing more interesting. We also hope that it will help you think of new and creative ways to add a little entertainment and excitement to future writing assignments. This web quest was designed to make learning about adjectives fun and informational, to help kindle the imaginations of your students. There are plenty of fun games, puzzles, and challenging tasks that should have your students excited to learn and teach other students the joy of adjectives. There is enough material here to cover several class periods depending on how far you have students go with each link. The actual group project can be completed in one session.

Curriculum Standards

The grade level that this web quest is geared toward, is Grades 2-3. According to the Ministry of Education, by grade levels 2-3, students should be able to comprehend that print represents spoken language, and that it conveys meaning. Students should be able to generate series of rhyming words, and distinguish between long and short syllables, and should be pronouncing multi-syllable words with correct content and meaning.