Flag Football


Football is America's sport and is played by people of all age, ranging from 4 all the way to 40!  It is also played in many different atmospheres with different variations ranging from flag football, to 7 on 7, to arena football, and to traditional contact football.  In high school physical education classes flag football is the most common form played so it is important to know the basics before playing such as the positions. 


The task of this assingment is to learn all of the positions in flag football with their responsibilitys and to learn the rules of the game by writing papers on learned information.  Then sharing the information the next day with the group.  This way the class will be prepared to go out to the field and play some good football


This assingment requires students to be in groups of three.  Each student will have their own information to find out and then write a report on their findings to share with the group the next day.  This way everyone in the class will have a clear understanding to how the game works before they play. 

Partner 1- Identify all of the offensive positions in football and write a breif summary on each of the positions responsibilitys on the field

Resources-  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_JtTj6fVj8

Partner 2- Identidy all of the defensive positions in football and write a breif summary on each of the positions responsibilitys on the field

Resources- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMWSiVm_Ys0

Partner 3- Record rules and regulation to flag football and write a summary about how a game would be played

Resources- https://www.playerssports.net/page/flag-football-rules



(missing 3 or more positions/ or missing a lot of rules)


(Only missing one position/one rule)


(Has all positions/rules)



(no description of positions/no explanation to how game is played)


(provides breif summary of positions but lacking on field responsibilitys/ explains rules of the game but not how it is played)


(provides breif summary of positions with on field responsibilitys/explains rules of the game and how it is to be played)



(Many gramatical/spelling errors)


(some gramatical/spelling errors)


(No gramatical/Spelling errors)


This webquest has prepared you for the game of flag football.  You now know

1. The offensive positions

2. The Defensive positions

3.  The reponsiblitys for each position

4. The rules of flag football

5. How a game of flag football operates

Now the class can go out there and play some great games