Ancient History


This WebQuest takes you into the world of Ancient Egypt. Use the links provided to answer the questions under each section.


1. DAILY LIFE IN ANCIENT EGYPT.Divide your paper in half (a left half and a right half). Put the heading Poor Egyptians on top of the left column and Rich Egyptians on top of the right column. Using the website below write down 10 things that are different for poor and rich Egyptians.

2. THE SPHINXOne of the wonders of Ancient Egypt is the Sphinx. Using the website below, answer the following four questions.a. Who built the sphinx?b. How big is it? (Give measurements)c. Draw a picture of the sphinx.d. Whose face is on the sphinx?

3. HIEROGLYPHICSThe Egyptians wrote in hieroglyphics. Using the website below do the following:Write both your first and last name in hieroglyphics.Write a short sentence in hieroglyphics. Be sure to have the english sentence below it.

4. ROSETTA STONEWhat was the Rosetta Stone?Where and when was it found?Who deciphered it?Answer these questions in sentences. Use the website below to find the answers.