5th Grade Simple Machines


We use simple machines everyday!  Simple Machines make our work easier. In this WebQuest you will be able to recognize simple machines. It will also help you find simple machines in compound machines!  

Did you know there are 6 simple machines? They are called a:

    1. Lever
    2. Inclined Plane
    3. Wedge
    4. Screw
    5. Wheel and Axle
    6. Pulley



You and a partner will be researching the simple machines.  Be sure to take notes as you do your research.  When you and your partner are finished researching, you will choose from a list of activities to share your information with others.

Each partner will have a job.  You will switch jobs each time you come to library.

While Researching- partner 1 technologist  partner 2 scribe

While Doing Project- ask Mrs. Casey to determine jobs.



Follow these steps:

1.  Click on the link to go to the website Simple Machine Links. Explore Simple Machines in the House Activity (click on Start).

2.  Click on these two websites and look at pictures of simple machines:

3.  Click on at least 3 of these websites to gather information about each simple machine.  Takes notes on your graphic organizer.

4.  Watch this video:

5.  Choose an activity from the Conclusion Page to share what you learned.


Your peers (classmates) will use the following checklist to evaluate your presentation:

Were all simple machines included?

  • Lever
  • Inclined Plane
  • Wedge 
  • Screw
  • Wheel & Axle
  • Pulley

Was there a real world example of each machine?

Did they share the information in an interesting way?



Choose from the following activities to share your information:

  • Google Slide Show
  • PowToon
  • Create a picture book for elementary students
  • Create a poster
  • Draw and label each simple machine
  • Create a comic strip with each simple machine
  • A short video explaining each simple machine

If you have an idea, tell Mrs. Casey for approval.  Please ask Mrs. Casey for help.