Blue Mountains Landforms




Aim of the web quest:

Investigating Australia’s physical environment s refers to the Australian continent and its physical characteristics that make Australia unique and beautiful. One of the major characteristic is the Australian landforms. The movement of the tectonic plates below the earth surface have caused these landforms by making mountains or hills. These processes take up to few millions years.

This web quest will guide you to complete the activities based on the Blue Mountains landforms.

The Three sisters in Blue Mountains is one of the major landform located in the west of Sydney. Various other landforms are also found there including deep canyons, tall waterfalls and other sandstone rock mountains.

Blue Mountains is also listed as one of the major World Heritage site.

The primary data provided to you is the virtual video made in Blue Mountains for you to observe and answer the questions given. The secondary data is the website links and other resources which will guide you to complete your activities




Part a: Open the links below and complete the questions provided.

Open the links above and answer the following questions

Q1: Name 3 major Australian Landforms regions




Part b:  Open the links below to find out the top ten Australian landforms and write one sentence about each of the landform in MS Word.

Activity2: Numeracy activity  

Australia is one of the flattest continent because it is located on the crustal plate. There is no activity or mountain building activity happening that usually occurs if the plate joins. The rocks have therefore been subject to gradation forces.

Below is the data given of different continents of the world and their average height in metres.


Average Height in   (metres)





South America








North America





Q: By looking at the data above, draw a column graph to demonstrate the elevation of all the continents

Q: calculate the average world from all the figures given for all the continents. Explain your answer, why is it different to the world average in the data.

Q which continent is the highest out of all and which continent is lowest?


Activity1: History of the Blue Mountains (literacy)

Part a: Open the link below and read the history of Blue Mountains.

Task: You need to write a brief explanation and a paragraph on the history and location of Blue Mountains.

Part b: By reading the information provided in the link below, explain in your own words, why the Blue Mountains are blue?

Activity2 : Map activity


above given is the map of Australia, identify where the Blue Mountains are located with the help of google maps.

Identify three major Australian landforms on the map of Australia and locate in which region is Blue Mountains located in?


Activity3: Landforms of Blue Mountains (literacy, numeracy and geography tools)

Watch the video given and answer the following questions based on the landforms of the Blue Mountains

open the link for video:-

Q1: What are landforms and how are they formed?

Q2: How many different types of landforms can you see in Blue Mountains?

Q3: Open this link to answer this question,    

Explain what three sisters are and write a short paragraph about the story of three sisters.

Q4: In your own words, describe how the landform called The “Three sisters” located in Blue Mountains have come to this shape as they are in today?

Q5: Investigate how the forces in the earth have caused these mountains ranges we see today.

Q6: What rocks are the three sisters made up of?

Q7: In the video you see the landforms of the mountains, valleys etc. stop anywhere you like and on your notebook, draw a sketch of the landform of the Blue Mountain. Draw the valleys, mountains, rock formations, three sisters, and canyon and colour the each in their own colours. Also Make a line drawing of Three Sisters landforms, add any relevant details and label the features.

Q8: Go to Google Earth. Find a map of Sydney western region. By clicking print screen button on keypad, take a screenshot of the map and copy and paste it onto MS Word. Then take a screenshot of the map. Highlight on the map where exactly is Blue Mountains located. You will also need to include features using degrees and minutes of its longitude and latitude. Please save you document.

Q9: In the video you see many tourists visiting the place. Open up the Ms Excel and make columns and total the number of adults, kids, old age people you see in video.


Activity4: Blue mountain sandstone rocks

Watch the video given below to answer the questions below.

First video is primary data to virtually have a look at the sandstone rocks and second video is further information which might help you to answer the questions below.

Secondary video!/media/1436450/landforms-of-the-blue-mountains

Q1: Most of the Blue Mountains are made up of sandstone, explain your understanding about the formation of sandstone rock? What processes are involved?

Q2: Watch the video too see the simple experiment done on the sandstone rock by scratching it and explain what forces of nature do this experiment represent?

Q3: Explain how the physical forces such as wind, water and heat can shape the sandstones? List the processes.

Q4: How does the water carves through the rock. Which other water landform feature can you see?


Activity5: Skyway experience

open the link to watch the video:-

Q1: Watch the video made in the skyway and listen to representor speaking. What is he explaining about the three sisters, Jamison valley and orphan rock which looks like a pagoda? Explain how these rocks are shaped as the way they are?


Activity6: Watch the video and answer the following questions (Physical and chemical weathering)

For secondary information follow this link and watch the video on how mountains turn to dust which will also help you answer the questions below.!/media/30555/turning-rock-into-soil

Q1: How long does it take to tear and wear away a mountain? Discover the forces of nature that can turn rock into soil and a mountain into a small hill?

Q2: What is the soil made up of and how is it formed?

Q3: Explain why is soil important? Imagine if there was no soil on the earth, what would the earth be like then?

Q4: Investigate how the rocks can be broken down?

Q5: what is weathering and what are the different types of weathering described in the video?

Q6: Watch the primary video to see the Coke experiment done on sandstone rock. Explain how the chemical forces such as acid rain leads to the weathering of rocks.

Q7: Include examples weathering shown in the video
Q8: How is chemical weathering different to the physical weathering?

Q9: Under the sandstone are layers of shale and coal which are softer rock than sandstone. How would weathering and erosion shape these rocks and play a role in the formation of valleys?


Activity7: Watch the videos above given and identify what type of the climate is in Blue Mountains currently.

The link given below are some climate patterns and weather in Blue Mountains. Read the information given on climate and rainfall and answer the questions given below.

Q1: What is average climate temperature of the Blue Mountains?

Q2: Which months has the average temperature of 5 degree Celsius and 18 degree Celsius.

Q3: Explain how the weather and climate impacts the landforms?

Q4: Below is the graph given from the website which illustrates the average minimum and maximum temperature of each month in Blue Mountains?

Q5: Answer the questions below by reading the graph

1981-2010 average max and min temperatures (°C) - Katoomba


a:  Which month has the minimum temperature?

B:  Which month has the maximum temperature?

c: What is the minimum temperature in august?

D: What is the maximum temperature in December?

E: Explain why there are variations in temperature throughout the year?


1981-2010 average number of rain days (1mm) - Katoomba.

A: What is the average rainfall for month of November?

B: Which month has the highest rainfall?

C: Which month has the lowest rainfall? 

Activity8: Watch the video shot in rainforests of Blue Mountains relating to flora and fauna. Hear different types of sounds of birds and animals and identify them if you can.

open the link for video 

For more information open the given link below to answer the following questions.

Q1: What is flora and fauna?

Q2: Which particular flora and fauna is found in Blue Mountains? Name and list the type of Mammals, Snakes/lizards, birds and spiders/insects found.

Q3. Outline the distinctive features of Blue Mountains flora.

Q4: Which snakes are found?

Q5: What flora or fauna can you see in the video provided?

Q6: Write your answers in Excel by making columns of Different types of flora and fauna found in the rainforest and Blue Mountains. The columns must include different types of birds, lizards, mammals, snakes etc.


Activity 9: Natural resources.

Open the link below to answer the question

 Watch the video and answer the following question.

Q1: which two natural resources can you see in the video that are found in Blue Mountains? Write a short paragraph.

Good luck with your experience :)



Assessment Criteria


Your marks

Attempted all the questions


Responses are well written and answered in detail


Web quest sources such as video and links are used   to

answer   all the questions


Activities completed in four lessons


Correct use of punctuation and grammer






You have successfully completed the activities