Cardiovascular and Circulatory System


Image result for cute red blood cell cartoon Hello fellow blood cells. Oh, my bad you are people. Let's restart this. Hello my name is Fred. I am a blood cell. I travel around your body and keep you healthy. There is over 1,000 of us. If we all die you are coming with us, there is no going back.


You will need to complete a word search and a fill-in-the-blank about the cardiovascular and circulatory system. Once you finish, you will need to turn it in to your teacher so he/she can grade it.

You will need to get the information from the links provided in the process tab. You will have two days to complete the assignment. On your mark, get set, GO!


Grading Chart

Topic 1 2 3
Correct information
Turning your work in on time


Image result for cute red blood cell cartoonDid  you know that the circulatory and cardiovascular system are the same thing? I am part of both circulatory and cardiovascular system. Thank me for traveling through your body and getting blood al the way to your pinky toe. I will miss you dearly. Please come back and learn with me again.