Characteristics of a WebQuest


"Evolutionary instead of revolutionary"

(Bernie Dodge, 1995)

Image result for free downloadable webquest

WebQuests is good teaching with a web. It consists of:

Constructivist lesson format

Resources are pre-selected

Students taking engaged roles (diverse perspectives)

Higher learning of thinking

A Scaffolded learning structure

It provides a way to integrate sound learning strategies with the effective use of the Web. This activity is directed by teachers; pushing students through a successful learning process!


What are the key elements?

The Task is to provide students with adequate support to finding authentic facts to questions. So the students are not just copying and pasting; provide structured reasonings to the activity with issus that seem out of the students each of finding answers. Make sure the information provided by the student is authentic with a reason why and how they got thier answer(s). The WebQest should be aloud to be addressed in group learning and social question and answers so the students can discuss facts of similarities and differences. The WebQuest has Six components: Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation, Conclusion, and a Teachers Page.

Image result for The WebQuest has Five components: Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation, and Conclusion.

  1. The introduction is usually a short paragraph that introduces the activity to the students. It often has a role or scenario involved.
  2. The task informs the learners of what their end-result or culminating project will be.
  3. The process identifies the steps the students should go through to accomplish the task. It also includes the online resources they will need, and provides         scaffolding for organizing the information gathered.
  4. The evaluation describes to the students how their performance will be evaluated, and is often in the form of a scoring rubric.
  5. The conclusion summarizes what the learners will have accomplished by completing the WebQuest, and often provides additional opportunities to extend their thinking.
  6. The Teacher's Page section of a WebQuest provides additional information to any teacher who might want to use the same WebQuest in their own classroom. This page is helpful in providing data needed for lesson plans. Suggestions for information that may be included:


    Objectives and Standards

    Content Area and Grade Level



    Resources and References





The process identifies the steps the students should go through to accomplish the task.

In the process phase of a WebQuest, the teacher suggests the steps that learners should go through in completing the task. It may include strategies for dividing the task into subtasks, descriptions of roles to be played or perspectives to be taken by each learner. The instructor can also use this place to provide learning advice and interpersonal process advice, such as how to conduct a brainstorming session.

Image result for process steps in webquestImage result for process steps in webquestImage result for process steps in webquest



Describes to the students how their performance will be evaluated, and is often in the form of a scoring rubric

Image result for rubric in webquest

Grading Rubric for WebQuest Sample


Introduction (8 pts)  _________

  • Establishes major issue for problem -solving/critical thinking (3 pts)  ______
  • Clearly sets up situation (3 pts)  _______
  • Catches interest (1 pt)  _______
  • Student focus (1 pt)  _______


Task (8 pts)  _______

  • Clarifies anticipated outcome of WebQuest (3 pts)  ________
  • Initial description of roles (2 pts)  _________
  • Identifies type task (3 pts)  _________


Process (20 pts)  ________

  • Internet resources (10 pts)  ________
  • Specific descriptions of roles (5 pts)  _________
  • Guiding questions to get group process started (3 pts)  ________
  • Additional resources (2 pts)  _______


Evaluation (8 pts)  _______

  • Relates to tasks/outcome of WebQuest (3 pts)  ________
  • Establishes criteria for grading (3 pts)  ________
  • Clearly stated/student focused (2 pts)  ________


Conclusion (6 pts)  _______

  • Student focused reflection on outcome of WebQuest (4 pts)  ________
  • Student focused reflection on the process and final questions (2 pts)  ________








Summarizes what the learners will have accomplished by completing the WebQuest, and often provides additional opportunities to extend their thinking.

Image result for Conclusion in webquest

Teacher Page

Teachers Page

  • Provides additional information to any teacher who might want to use the same WebQuest in their own classroom. This page is helpful in providing data needed for lesson plans.
  • The Teacher Page is where the teaching hints are located.

Image result for Teachers page in webquest