

     Some people care about the environment and they prefer living in the countryside. They don't have to live in the middle of pollution, traffic jams and crowds.

    However,  there are many people who can not leave the town and live there. Do these people live better or do they have more healthy problems?

  • Is living in the city attractive for everybody?
  • Is living in the countryside attractive for everybody?

 Persuade the audience that living in the city/countryside would be ideal to live in.


  • The class will be divided into two groups.

Group #1  will research and present information which supports the argument that living in the city makes life better for the people. 

Group #2  will research and present information which supports the argument that living in the countryside makes life better for the people. 

  • Your task is to inform the differences, similarities and the problems of these two " worlds" (Oral presentation).
  • Each group will be responsible for gathering information on the topics: living in the city and living in the countryside.
  • You have to write a newspaper article  explaining in which of these two worlds you would like to live in. Then, create a multimedia presentation about differences, similarities and the problems of these two " worlds" 

differences, similarities and the problems of these two " worlds"

  1. Divide into two large groups. 

Group #1 will take the position that living in the city makes life better for the people

Group #2 will take the position that living in the countryside makes life better for people.

    1. Each group will subdivide its members into three smaller research groups. These small groups will examine these positions from the following perspectives: 


                             pros and cons




                             recreational facilities











 Multimedia presentation

Presentation uses 2 or more media, but technical difficulties seriously interfere with the viewer's ability to see, hear, or understand content.

Presentation uses 2 or more media. There are some technical problems, but the viewer is able to follow the presentation with few difficulties.

Presentation blends 3 or more multimedia elements in an attractive, easy-to-follow format. With minor exceptions, all elements contribute rather than detract from the presentation's overall effectiveness.

Students have used multimedia in creative and effective ways that exploit the particular strengths of the chosen format. All elements make a contribution. There are few technical problems, and none of a serious nature.










All members of the team say something meaningful and on topic

Most members of the team say something meaningful and on topic.


Some members of the team say something meaningful and on topic.

Only one member of the team speaks


All students (the audience) can hear all the time.

All students (the audience) can hear 75% of the time or more

All students (the audience) can hear between 65% and 75% of

Students (the audience) can't often hear speakers

Speaks Clearly

All members of the team speak clearly and are easy to understand

Most members of the team speak clearly and are easy to understand.

Some members of the team speak clearly and are easy to understand.

Only one member or no members of the team speak clearly and are easy to understand.



Vocabulary &


Always uses language appropriate for level and is easily understood.

Often uses language appropriate for level and is easily understood

Sometimes uses language appropriate for level and is easily understood.

Rarely uses language appropriate for level and is not easily understood.



The team as a whole doesn't read presentation at all and makes eye contact.

The team as a whole doesn't read presentation too much and makes adequate eye contact

The team as a whole mostly reads presentation and makes little eye contact.

The team as a whole reads presentation the entire time and makes no eye contact.




Comments and suggestions:








Amount of Information

All topics are addressed which included a summary and all 3 questions answered concisely

All topics are addressed which included a summary and 2 questions answered concisely

All topics are addressed which included a summary and 1 question answered

One or more topics were not addressed

Quality of Information

Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes supporting details and/or examples for all 3 questions

Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes supporting details and/or examples for 1 or 2 questions

Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given

Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic

Accuracy of Facts

All supportive facts are reported accurately and appropriately cited or paraphrased.

Almost all supportive facts are reported accurately and appropriately cited or paraphrased.

Most supportive facts are reported accurately and appropriately cited or paraphrased.

No facts are reported or most are inaccurately reported or not appropriately cited or paraphrased.

Source (topic per course outline)

The nursing article is clearly related to the topic and published within the last 4 years. The article is included with the review.

The nursing article is somewhat related to the topic and published within the last 4 years. The article is included with the review

The article is not related to the topic, not published within the last 4 years, or not a nursing journal article. The article is included with the review

The article is not included or not within time frame outlines as per the directions


Accurately cited in the desired APA format

Accurately cited, but not in the desired APA format 

Incorrectly cited

No citation as per directions


Now that you have  a deeper understanding of the city and the countryside similarities and differences you are ready to  contribute to solutions to the problems of each "world". There are many initiatives taking place to help towns and villages to improve their quality of life. Research organizations dedicated to helping the area you live in and try to take part in one initiative. Write an article talking about your experience!

  • Webquest design patterns in Webquest page.
  • Strategies and Skill IB Diploma Programme.
  • Urban and rural environment: Towns and services