The Civil Rights Movement


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The American Civil Rights Movement took place between 1954 and 1968.  It refers to reform movements that took place across the United States, aimed at abolishing racial discrimination against African Americans and eliminating segregation in the Southern states. This era marked a period of struggle for African Americans to gain equal rights and integrate into schools and other public places.  Much of the struggle to end racial inequality was documented as the country resisted racial segregation and discrimination. Strategies such as civil disobedience, nonviolent resistance, marches, protests, boycotts, "freedom rides," and rallies were used.


Click on the following links and read about these events that dramatically impacted the Civil Rights Movement.  Then answer the questions that follow.

Brown vs. Board (1954)

Why did this case go to court?

Was desegregation easy after the decision? Why or why not?

How did segregation violate the 14th amendment?


Emmett Till (1955)

Who was Emmett Till?

What happened to Emmett Till and Why?

What about Emmett Till’s story do you think helped ignite the Civil Right’s movement?


Rosa Parks and The Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955)

Why was Rosa Park Arrested?

Since she was not the first African American woman arrested for a bus violation, why did her arrest ignite the boycott?

How did segregationists fight the boycott?





In 1957 Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas was integrated by 9 black students.  The whole nation watched while the Arkansas Governor, Orval Faubus, sent out the National Guard to prevent them from entering the school.  Eventually President Eisenhower intervened and sent out natioanl troops to ensure the students were allowed in the school.  These students were incredibly brave and had many battles to face. 

Read more about the Little Rock Nine 

1.  View the following video as an introduction to segregation and the Little Rock Nine.                             

                 "Little Rock Nine" History Documentary

2.  Meet the Little Rock Nine.

                   Individual summaries of the Little Rock Nine

3. Learn More.

School Integration in Little Rock,

Central High

 Write a letter to a friend sharing the events of the first few days at school, changes that have taken place in your area relating to segregation, and your feelings about it all.  You may choose to write from the viewpoint  of one of  the Little Rock Nine or a white student at Central High School.