Communicable diseases


What is a communicable disease?

A communicable disease is a disease that can spread from one person to another through airborne bacteria or bodily fluids.

If someone has a communicable disease, we usually refer to them as 'infectious' or 'contagious'.  

Can you think of a communicable disease?  Perhaps you have had one?

Some communicable diseases include:

-Measles, chickepox, headlice, influenza (the flu), mumps, whooping cough, gastritis, slap cheek

Can you think of anymore? Discuss with your group and create a list.  

Now you have thought about WHAT a communicable disease is, you need to think about HOW these diseases can be passed on.

What ways do you think diseases are passed on to someone else?  Can you think of a time you caught a disease from a family member or a friend? Could you have prevented yourself from getting this disease?  What could you have done? Discuss with your group.

Watch the video below to find out some more information about communicable diseases and how they are spread.  Take note of the information in this video as some of it may be helpful for your next task.


In groups of three, your task is to create an information brochure or poster for the students in our school that will provide information on a communicable diseases.  Once you have selected your disease, you must ensure you answer the following questions:

-What is the disease?

-What causes the disease?

-How can we recognise the symptoms of the disease?

-How is the disease treated? 

-What can we do to prevent the disease from spreading?

....Plus, any other interesting or useful information

You will present your brochure/poster to the class along with a 5 minute presentation.

It is up to you how you deliver your presentation (scripted talk, drama play etc.).

HINT: Present your work in a way that will be engaging for the students in our school.  Are there any pictures you can use?  Is there a slogan or a catch phrase you could come up with to help promote awareness of the disease?  

Look at the examples below which were created to help prevent the spread of diseases.  Can you find a unique way to present your work so that y

*Please see Mrs M before printing any images you wish to use


Choose which disease you would like to focus on and write your names on the board next to that disease.  Only one group can do a disease, so if the one you want is already taken you will need to select another.  If there is one you want to do that is not on the list please come and see me.

Select your disease from the list below and use the websites to guide your research.

Whooping cough:…

Chicken Pox:……



Hand Foot and Mouth Disease:………


School Sores:…

Slap Cheek:……


Assessment will be made on how well you research your disease and the accuracy of the information you provide.

1 2 3
Inaccurate or not definition provided Some innacuracy in the definition of the disease Accurate definition of the disease 
Incorrect or no symptons have been listed Some symptoms of the disease are missing All symptoms of the disease have been noted
Incorrect or no treatment procedure provided Treatment procedure for the disease has been provided with some inaccuracy Treatment procedure for the disease is accurate
No preventative action has been noted Some ways to prevent the spread of the disease have been addressed Detailed descriptions and examples of how to prevent the spread of the disease are present
No extra information has been provided Some extra information has been listed Extra information has been researched and listed
No presentation made Presentation has been made outlining key aspects of the disease Well thought out presentation has been made to support research

If you have any trouble during your research, please come and see me so I can assist you.  



Once you have completed your research and have found enough information to create your poster/brochure you can start wokring on your presentation.  

We will present your work over the next few days