Create a Country Webquest


Have you ever thought about creating your very own country? With your very own Government, such as Tyranny, Monarchy, Democracy, and Dictatorship. You can make your own set of laws to keep your citizens safe, or start a constitution to prevent from taking the rights of citizens. Or have a ruthless government which uses violence and power to maintain total control over the people. Or a government that gives the people power of the government, they can also vote for the leader and have the freedom to do anything that is legal. You can even have a government with a group of people to spread the power equally. You can even have a government with only one ruler that doesn't go by a constitution, and usually abuses his/her power. Mostly through powerful military. 


Task 1: Choosing Your Government

Figure out which type of government you would like (Tyranny, Monarchy, Democracy, and Dictatorship), write five sentences for each government and choose which one you like.

Task 2: Creating Your Map

Draw a map of where your country is located, be creative, and label the name of your country. Draw a compass rose and a map key to show all the important places, draw a star to show where the capital is, color it and draw oceans and name them whatever you like. 

Task 3: Creating Your Government

You will write a paragraph on how your government is going to work, what kind of laws are you going to have. What kind of government did you choose. Why you chose it, and how you are going to control the people.

Task 4: Short Story 

Write a story of how you ran your country and why you did it that way. Be original and don't copy others work. Be sure to put your name on it so you get credit. 








Activity 1 Grading 

They will both be graded on...

-Neatness: 10 Points 

-Creativity: 10 Points 

-Accurate: (Factually Correct) 10 points 

-No Spelling Errors: 10 Points 

-No Grammatical Errors: 10 Points 

-Name: 10 Points

Total: 60

Task 2 Grading

-Neatness: 10 Points

-Color: 10 Points

-Map Key: 10 Pointo

-Compass Rose: 10 Points

-Creativity: 10 Points

-Name: 10 Points

Total Points: 60

Task 3 Grading

-Neatness: 10 Points 

-Creativity: 10 Points 

-Accurate: (Factually Correct) 10 points 

-No Spelling Errors: 10 Points 

-No Grammatical Errors: 10 Points 

-Name: 10 Points

Total: 60 Points

 Task 4 Grading

-Neatness: 10 Points

-Color: 10 Points

-Map Key: 10 Pointo

-Compass Rose: 10 Points

-Creativity: 10 Points

-Name: 10 Points

Total Points: 60




 Congratulations, you have created your very own country. What ever you do next is up to you. You can create more laws, declare war on other countries, and if you want, you can even try to dominate the entire world.


Webquest Created By:  Zack Wickline 8th Grade

Picture Links:


Teacher Page


  Once the student has completed the assignment, you will grade it by what I litsted on the evaluations page to the left. The sentences can be written on the computer or paper. The map should be drawn on paper, because it will be easie for the students.