Different Phases of Teaching


Stage 1: The Caring and Competent Teacher


As 1st day approached nervous optimistic. Have skills everything prepared. Love youngsters and they will love t back. Willing to create a positive structured learning environment


Stage 2:

Shell shock- kids questioning authority, questioning rules. T realizing that everything is not as smooth. T come home and exhausted and drained. Not wanting to go back to work.


Stage 3: The hurtful harmful teacher

Stage 2 teachers places s who want to make a choice (don’t want to misbehave) in a difficult situation. S in the middle misbehave to allude to the powerful ppl the bullies not the teacher.


Let emotions take best of you and become disciplinary figure. Stage 3 view most kids as the enemy.  The mean teachers, vicious in approach. Yell, chastise belittle punishment. Punishment works only in the moment that’s used unless the benefits outweigh the punishment. Punishment only works around easily intimidated kids mostly kids that don’t use it. It shows kids how to use aggression. If it works kids will want to use it. Punishment kids become immune to it


Level 4: Ascending to Stage 4

Realizing that certain practices are counterproductive. Utilizing more effective and beneficial practices.


Stage 5- Adopt someone who hasn’t reached the stage 4 section


Do what is always in s best interest

Seek desired outcome rather than blame

Model the behavior that is appropriate that we would like to see in our student

Identify what the s should be doing

Form positive and productive with our kids

Instill hope for progress and success

Catch kids being goods and say encouraging things

Don’t take a kids dignity from him/her

Hate kid behavior not the kid

Never give up on a kid