Endangered Animals


There are lots of animals in the world that people see all the time. These are animals like sea gulls, rabbits, and rats. I'm sure you can think of a lot more.

But there are also a lot of animals that people used to see all the time, but now we don't really see them at all.

Once there were lots of Elephants in Africa, but now there are not very many.

Once there were lots of Jaguars in South America, but now there are not very many.

Once there were lots of Dugongs in Australia, but now there are not very many.

When there aren't very many of these animals left, we say that they are endangered.

So what does endangered mean?

Endangered means that these animals are in danger of becoming extinct.

What does extinct mean?

Extinct means that they are all gone, and can never come back. Just like the dinosaurs.

Once upon a time there were over four billion (4 000 000 000) passenger pigeons, but now they are extinct. The last one was called Martha.

Once there were lots of Western Black Rhinos, but they went extinct in 2006.


What are some animals that are endangered?

Where do they live?

Why are they endangered?

How could we help them?


In this WebQuest, you are going to:

1. Research some endangered animals, and why animals become endangered.

2. Then, you are going to choose one endangered animal.

3. When you have chosen an animal you are going to make a brochure, telling people:

What is your animal?

Where does it live?

Why is it endangered?

How could we help it?

Look at the brochure I have already made.


Lesson 1.

In this lesson, look at this link.


Use the map to choose an animal from either:

The Savanna in Africa.

The Amazon in South America.

The Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

When you see a word you don't know, put your hand up! We will talk about these words.

Only when you have chosen an animal, you can play a game.





Lesson 2.

On the front page of your brochure you need to:

1. Write two or more sentences describing your animal.

What does it look like?

What is an interesting fact about your animal?

2. Draw your animal!

Use this link to find pictures of your animal.






Lesson 3.

On the second page of your brochure you need to:

1. Write two or more sentences describing where your animal lives.

Is it the Rainforest? Savanna? Reef?

2. Draw where your animal lives!

Use this link to find pictures of where your animal lives.



You can also look at this to learn more about the importance of habitats.





Lesson 4.

On the third page of your brochure you need to:

1. Write a sentence or two describing why your animal is endangered.

2. Draw one of the things that is making your animal endangered.

Look at this link:



This video is about the animals that live in a place in America called Pennsylvania, and why they are endangered.



And what's happening to koalas and bilbies?




You can also watch these videos:

For the Amazon Rainforest





For the African Savanna



For the Great Barrier Reef








Lesson 5.

On the back of your brochure you need to:

1. Write a sentence or two describing what we could do to help your animal.

2. Draw the thing we could do to help your animal/your animal living happily in its home.

Look at this video.
