Events That Lead Up to the Civil War


Imagine if you live in 1800’s, and you heard about Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Compromise of 1850, and Dred Scott Case. What if you ran into someone who had no idea about these events, and think that the Civil War is just about slavery. What do you do? What should you tell them? You know they are wrong.


Your assignment is to act as if this person, is your classmates.  Tell them how Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Compromise of 1850, and Dred Scott Case, effect the Union. And how it lead the Union and it's people, to the Civil War. 


To help you tell them, you will pick one of the listed-

  1. Pictures, AS many as needed, but no more than 4, for each event.  Good quality, not blurry, must have at least a paragraph on paper or memorized, about that picture.
  2. Props, will explain what your prop has to do with the event. If you only have one prop for one event, use option #1, or option #3. 
  3. Presentation, has at least 5 pictures realating with the 3 events. And has 3-7 facts about each event. 

Explain the following-


You will be evaluated by the follwing-

  • Do you speak clearly to the class, as if you are having a conversation with them.
  • Are your props, pictures, or presintion have all the things necessary? (Listed on the "process" part of the webquest.)
  •  Does your prop, picture, or presintation differnt. Do you have good paragraphs, are your props something you normally wouldn't see every day?



No pictures

No information

Did not try


Has only 1 of the pictures/information needed

Has some effort, but very slim


Has some of the work needed but still not enough

Project does not have a personal flare


Meets the requirements but does not have any extras


Meets requirements and has extra work that creates your own personal connection with the audience


So how did these events lead to the civil war? After doing your research you should be able to answer this question with a clear answer and understand what your telling your classmates.
