Exploring Planets in Our Solar System


Have you ever thought about traveling to outer space or to another planet? Our solar system consists of eight planets starting with Mercury being the closest to the sun, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Today we are going to explore other planets, besides the one we call home. If you could travel to any planet, what would it be? You will be researching one planet, of which, you will become an expert.


To complete this Webquest, students will work in pairs or groups of three. Each group will have its own planet to research, meaning there will not be two groups researching the same planet. This way we can learn about all the planets, not just Mars. There will be sign-ups and it will be first-come, first-serve. If your groups' planet gets taken, you have to pick a different one. Once your group has their planet, you will answer the following questions:

  1. What number is your planet from the Sun?
  2. What are its' neighboring planets? ( the planet before and the planet after, if it has one)
  3. How far away (distance) is your planet from the sun?
  4. Does the planet have rings?
  5. Does the planet have moons? If so, how many?
  6. Can your planet sustain (support) life?
  7. What is the planet made of?
  8. Describe the size of the planet.

      * Add at least two facts that you thought were interesting about your particular planet.*

After your group has answered the above questions, you are to make a poster. (one poster per group) The poster should include: a drawing of your planet, the questions, the answers to each question, and the other two facts. This poster will be presented to the class by your group, so be creative!


Follow these links below to research your planet and find the answers to the questions listed in
the Task section:




Step 1: Figure out what planet your group wants

Step 2: Research it and answer the questions

Step 3: Make a poster

Step 4: Present your poster to the class.


The poster will be graded using the following rubric:


Congratulations! You are now an expert on your planet, which makes you an astronomer. What is an astronomer, you ask? It is a scientist who studies stars, moons, planets, galaxies, and other objects in space. You do not actually have to travel to outer space to be an astronomer. New discoveries concerning space are being made everyday, right here on Earth. In a few decades from now, we might even be able to vacation on Mars!

Teacher Page

This Webquest was created by Erin Wachtveitl. Hope you enjoyed it!