First Americans


This week, you will focus on the earliest human migrations to the Americas and of the people already living there. 


Driving Question: How does where we live affect how we live?

You are members of an American Indian tribe. Your family has been selected to participate in a museum exhibit.  Your exhibit will include a brief history,  the homes, clothing and food sources of your tribes with a focus on how the tribe used natural resources.  It is your job to spark an interest level to all visitors that will visit your museum as they learn about various Native American communities. Your exhibit can be tangible (able to be touched) or digital.

This assignment will be completed in school and at home and will be due on Monday, September 21, 2015 (NO EXCUSES)


Step 1: Read chapter 2, lesson 1 in your Social Studies book and complete the Vocabulary and Study Guide from your practice book (p. 7). 

Step 2: Watch the videos on the first Indians.


Step 3: Choose one American Indian group from the map pon page 31 of your textbook. 

Step 4: Research information about your American Indian group. Some guiding questions to ask yourself are:

  • Where do you live (region)?
  • What do you eat?
  • How do you find food?
  • What do you wear?
  • What kind of home do you live in?

Step 4: Create a digital or tangible exhibit to use in the museum that answers the driving question.

Some examples include:

  • Video or Movie
  • PowerPoint
  • Prezi
  • Infomercial
  • Music Video
  • Cartoon - PowToon
  • Play
  • Storybook (could be digital as well)
  • Scrapbook
  • Diorama (shoebox)
  • Expo Presentation (science board)
  • Research Report
  • Poster


Step 5: Show your exhibit.










Format is used correctly

Information about American Indian group is accurate

Drawings and caption are clear

Mechanics are correct

Student creates a  postage stamp, diorama, or writes a how to manual for structure  


Format is used

Information is mostly accurate

Drawings and captions are mostly clear

Most mechanics are correct

Student somewhat creates a postage stamp, diorama, or writes a how to manual for structure


Format is attempted

Information is somewhat off-topic or inaccurate

Some drawings and captions are missing or unclear

Some errors in mechanics

Student attempts to create a postage stamp, diorama or write a how to manual for structure


Format is not used

Most or all information is off-topic or inaccurate

Most or all drawings and captions are missing or unclear

Many errors in mechanics

Student does not create a structure


Next Friday, we will walk through our Native American museum. Be creative and have fun. It is your job to spark an interest level to all visitors that will visit our museum as they learn about various Native American communities. Please note that any construction of the project will be your responsibillity. Though, you will have time to complete the research in class, there is NO guarantee that you will be able to construct the actual product during class time. If you choose to work with a partner, please make sure that they are someone who you have access to after school hours.


Driving Question: How does where we live affect how we live?