First grade WebQuest: Addition and Subtraction


This WebQuest is designed to help first grade students review addition and subtraction problems in math.

This WebQuest allows students to engaged in serveral interactive games/songs that will focus on addition and subtraction.

This WebQuest should be completed with minimal adult assistance. This WebQuest will be done individually.


You are going on a WebQuest!

Your job is to review addition and subtraction problems.

Enjoy playing the games, singing along to songs, and have fun!


Directions: Click on each of the links to review/play/practice addition and subtraction.

1. What's Missing? Subtraction Song

First watch the subtaction song to get a review on subtraction.

2. Subtraction Hopper

Help Cuz-Cuz make a splash in this interactive subtraction game. Simply read the subtraction problem and select the correct answer.

3. Fishing Subtraction Game

Read the subtraction problem and select the fish with the correct answer to the problem on it.

4. Counting by 5 Song

DJ Cool Cat is counting by 5's. Watch this video to help refresh your memory on addition.

5. Addition Demolition

Roly the wrecking ball and crane operator Floyd needs your help to take down an old building. Count by 10's to help knock down the building.

6. Fish Bowl Addition

One fish, two fish, add up all the fish! In this interactive addition game, help Birdee and Cuz-Cuz total up all the fish they've won. Put the correct number of fish in the correct fish bowl and then add up the total fish won!


I will be evaluating you individually. I will use the rubric below to assess your addition and subtraction knowledge.

Your evaluation will consisit of the following areas:

Subtraction with numbers 0-10: ex. 9-7=____ and/or 4-__=1

Addition with numbers 0-10: ex. 2+7=____ and/or 7+__=3

A score of 5 is Mastered. A score of 3 is Developing. A score of 1 is Beginning.

Grade 1 Addition Worksheet on missing addend - sums up to 10

Grade 1 Subtraction Worksheet on single digit subtraction missing number

Addition/Subtraction Skills Rubric

Beginning =1


Mastered =5

Addition Worksheet

Student needs assistance on entire addition worksheet.

Student needs some assistance on addition worksheet

Students is able to complete entire addition worksheet without any assistance.

Subtraction Worksheet

Student need assistance on entire subtraction worksheet.

Student needs some assistance on subtraction worksheet.

Student is able to complete entire subtraction worksheet without any assistance.


Congratulations on completing the fun and interactive learning games.

You have learned a lot about addition and subtraction.

I will be assessing each student by presenting an addition and subtraction problem similar to the activities and having the student complete the problems in their notebooks.

Please review addition and subtraction by completing the following worksheet.

Grade 1 Addition Worksheet on single digit subtraction

Grade 1 Addition Worksheet on adding 2 singledigit numbers with sum less than 10

Grade 1 Addition Worksheet on single digit subtraction
